Meet Joy

I make my home in Pacific Northwest, USA
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 255/175/135.
My Size Stats: 26-28/18/10.
I started Atkins on 11/26/99.

My exercise regime:

  • I start using my Health-rider today. I'll be starting real slow, and probably only last for about 5 minutes. I plan to ride 5 times a week.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • I eat something as soon as I get up. Usually Pork Rinds with salsa or onion dip. From then, I eat whenever I'm hungry. I usually graze all day, small amounts 5 or 6 times a day.

My favorite recipe:

  • Will get back to you. I'm experimenting with one right now.

My goal:

  • 1. Be able to buckle my own seat-belt on the Ghost Rider Roller Coaster at Knotts Berry Farm.
    2. Go to Disneyland and ride comfortably on all the rides (We plan on going in March of 2001)
    3. Wear a pair of bluejeans and short-sleeved blouse
    4. Wear a size 34C bra again
    5. Be able to go 10 minutes during my treadmill test without feeling like I'm going to die
    6. Stay off of all medications
    7. Be able to bend and still be able to breath
    8. Be able to tie my shoes while my feet are on the floor
    9. Be able to look at pictures of myself without throwing up
    10.Ride 30 mins. on my Health Rider, easily
    11.Be able to get a job...there is a real prejudice out there against obese people. I am more than qualified as a Quality Control Inspector, and people are real excited about having me work for them until they see me at the interview. I never hear from them again. I know it's not my personality cause the last job I had, I was voted favorite supervisor.(not bragging, just a fact)
    12.Get my self-esteem back when it comes to the world outside my home

My inspiration:

  • 1. Videos of me last summer while camping-yuck!
    2. Results-this is the first time that I've seen actual fat leaving my body while losing weight. What a novel feeling.
    2. The new-found energy. I get alot more done now than I have in years.
    3. My 9-year-old son, 8-year-old grand-daughter, and new-born grandson. I have some tiny arteries on my heart that are clogged and I want to be around to see my grand-children and son graduate, marry, and have children of their own.
    4. My husband. What a sweetheart. He's loved me through all these 28 years of my blimping body.

My comments:
When I get closer to goal, I'll send you a before and during picture. I love this board. I never thought that I needed support, but find that I do. I've always been so independent, but losing weight is the hardest thing I've ever done, and I so desperately want and need to suceed.