Meet Keliane

I make my home in NJ, USA.
I visit the board 3-4 times daily.
My Stats: 280/218/160.
My Size Stats: 26-28/18/12.
I usually test light purple.
I started Atkins on 10/03/99.
I restrict myself to 20 - 30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I have excercised pretty regularly most of my adult life. Since reading Protein Power I have discovered the benefits of weight training and I really enjoy it. I try to work out at least 3 times a week. Recently I have added Tae Bo to the schedule twice a week. I also enjoy tennis and walking in the warmer weather. I haven't played tennis in a few years due to having young children but I am looking forward to picking it back up again this spring.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • 3-4 pcs of bacon and 2 eggs
  • I often have leftovers from dinner the night before or a salad with tuna or rolls of ham, salami and cheese.
  • Any meat (hamburger, steak, roast beef, pork, chicken) and a vegetable (green beans almondine, broccoli, cauliflower or salad if I didn't have one with lunch.
  • During the day I usually have a handful or almonds, sunflower seeds or peanuts. After dinner I have a low-carb dessert like SF Jello, a few spoonfuls of Splenda sweetened cream cheese or peanut butter bars.

My favorite recipe:

Peanut butter bars

2 boxes of Sugar Free pudding (1 vanilla, 1 butterscotch)
1 tablespoon of vanilla
4 tablespoons of Splenda (or 8 packets)
1 cup of heavy cream
5 heaping tablespoons of sugar free chunky peanut butter

Mix first 4 ingredients in sauce pan on low heat and stir until the mixture starts pulling away from the side. Add the peanut butter and turn off heat. Mix thoroughly and then scoop into a greased brownie type pan. Chill a few hours in the refrigerator. Cut into 16 squares and each square is around 5 grams of carbs.

My inspiration:

  • My husband is on this WOE too which really helps me to stay on track. He has lost 46 pounds already and I am trying to catch up! Also, I lost all of this weight 10 years ago and I have clothes in all of the sizes going down and I have fun trying to get into the next size down. I have young children and I want to be active and healthy with them. Last summer I didn't feel like doing anything active because of all of the extra weight.

My goals:

  • Go to an amusement park and not be afraid I won't fit on the ride. Fly comfortably and be able to put the tray table down in front of me. STAY AT MY GOAL THIS TIME!!!! Last time I reached my goal I got pregnant less than a year later.

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • Bad breath and a bad taste in my mouth at the beginning.

My comments:
I love this board and the support it provides. I think it has made a big difference in keeping me positive and inspired.
Updated by DanaLynn on November 26, 2000