Meet --KITE--

I make my home in California, USA.
I’m 6'2" tall and 32 years of age.
I visit the board weekly.
My Stats: 325/210/205
My Size Stats: 44/34/34
I usually test trace.
I started Atkins on Feb., 1998.
I restrict myself to 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I have SoloFlex, its great place to hang clothes. No, I still dont walk the dog enough. But I am much more active then I used to be..

What I usually eat in a day:

  • All natural foods, steaks, eggs, butter, chicken, fish, cheese, sausage salami, vegetables, melon, strawberrys, macadamias, walnuts, pistachios.

My favorite recipe:

  • New York Steak - sea salt, pepper, grill
    Halibut- sea salt, pepper, cayanne, butter, wrap - grill
    Pork Sausage- grill with George Forman Grill - topp with sharp chedder
    Bacon, Chedder, swiss omelete- topped with sour cream and salsa
    Lasagna- with squash or eggplant instead of noodles

My inspiration:

  • It is a way of life. Natural foods, no man-made processed flours, no man-made refined sugars, I used to eat that stuff and it was killing me, yet when I turned on the tv every other commercial is for some medication for just about every ailment I had, I thought it was just "Life" Then I read Dr. Atkins book, NEW DIET REVOLUTION and it all went away. Now I have read many books by many Dr.s who believe in a natural (which is low carb by nature) lifestyle. Just a little research on Dr. Atkins himself and you will soon learn that he is not some made up (Suzanne Powter, Richard Simmons, etc...) Diet Guru. He is on the cutting edge of alternative medicine, running a seven story hospital in Downtown Manhattan, which is curing people of thier sicknesses, through Diet and Vita-Nutrient therapy they are taking people off of the Drugs and Medications prescribed by the Dr.s of the AMA. My inspiration is Truth. Thank you Dr. Atkins
My goal:
  • live to be 100

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • oh yea, lets see, I lost 115 pounds, no more heartburn, no acid reflux, no more mood swings, no more sunburn, no more bug bites, no more snoring, no more bloating, no more fatigue, more food than ever before, no more guilt about food, no more colds or flu's, no more allergies, no more zits, hmmmm, nope, cant think of any

My comments:
Education will be the key to our success, teach yourself, then your spouse, then your children, then your friends. Losing weight is just one side effect of becoming a much healthier human. If you are reading this page you know how bad flour and sugar are for you, its worse for you then it was your parents and it will be worse for your children then it is for you, it is our job to teach and educate them.

Has the government Ever told you the Truth about ANYTHING before? It's just natural food. How can they say its bad for us?