Meet Kristin
I make my home in Chicago, USA.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 215/205/140.
My Size Stats: 16/?/8-10.
I usually test dark purple.
I started Atkins on 10/5/99.
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs and Caffeine, Aspertame, Saccharin, Citric Acid, MSG.

My exercise regime:

  • I just started Atkins a week ago and have not gotten into any regular exercise regimen.Ê I hope to get myself into a pattern that includes exercise.Ê I enjoy walking and step aerobics, so I plan to incorporate these soon!

What I usually eat in a day:

  • I don't yet have a usual plan since it has been only a week. However, the most significant thing I did before starting this diet was to give up caffeine completely and this is coming from a sodaholic!Ê I now drink only water and find I can't get enough - I am drinking on average 6 liters a day.Ê I think this has been a great help.

My favorite recipe:

  • Same here - none yet, sure to post at a later date - love to read the others.

My inspiration:

  • This board and others out there provide a great deal of inspiration.Ê Another is a cheesy slogan that about sums up what I feel..."Nothing tastes as good as slim feels!" Every time I think I miss carbs, I remember that.Ê The greatest inspiration is that I am seeing results and that I do not feel deprived!

My goals:

  • When I reach my goal weight I would love to go on a shopping spree and finally be able to buy the clothes I have longed to wear.Ê I would also like to be able to shop in a store and not have to leave once I realize the largest size is too small!

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • The first three days I had a raging headache, which I now assume was carbo withdrawal.Ê Since then...

Will get a picture posted as soon as I can find one!