Meet Lady G

I make my home in Maine, USA.
I’m 5'3" tall and 50 years of age.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 210/195/130.
My Size Stats: 18-20/16/10-12.
I usually test pink.
I started Atkins on 2/1/00.
I restrict myself to 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • Not yet but I want to start going to the gym 3 days a week..

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Breakfast:
    one egg micowaved with a little cheese then I fold it like a burrito and add 2 tbls salsa and Tbls sour cream. It quick only 1.5 min. and I'm off to work.
  • Lunch:
    can be egg/tuna/chick salad with a greens or ceser salad with chicken. I also will take leftovers from the dinner the night befor.
  • Dinner:
    meat/chicken/prok or beef/ salad or vegies/ jello with cream cheese in it and walnut garnish.
  • Snack:
    turky with cream cheese rollups/ pork rines with cheese,salsa,sour cream.(micorwave for 30 sec.with the cheese first).

My favorite recipe:

  • lemon chicken with spinich.

    chicken 1/2 skinless brest
    onion 1/2 small
    frozen spinich 1c
    olive oil
    sour cream
    lemon & spice seasoning

    stirfry chicken & onion and lemon seasonin oil till chicken is cooked. add spinich cook untill it is hot. put on a plate and sour cream to tast.

My inspiration:

  • When I was in my 20's Dr. Atkins was the best diet I had found. I never got out of control be cause I would always fall back to the diet to keep myself at 125 lbs. When the food Perimid came out and the news started saying that we who eat a high fat diet were all going to die of heart problems, I like many others went to the low fat diet. Now I am fat!! I know I can be thin again if I just dont eat carbs. I feel better, I sleep better, and I'm eating what I like within the boundries..
My goal:
  • Feel good about who I am, how I look, the energy to do what I feel would be fun..climb a mountain, tie my shoes without undoing my pants!

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • People saying your gonna die if you stay on that diet! OK.. I'll die thin and happy

My comments:
I have shared the Atkins Support Site with my friend Donna.