Meet Lauren L

I make my home in USA.
I’m 5'4" tall and 5'4" years of age.
I visit the board hourly.
My Stats: 146/142/120
I usually test none.
I started Atkins on 3/5/00.
I restrict myself to 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I haven't started exercising yet, too lazy but am planning on starting to ride bikes with my mother-in-law..

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Usually I start out with a couple of eggs and about 4 slices of bacon with coffee. For lunch I try to bring in left overs from the night before, usually some kind of meat and my sf jello. For dinner I have some kind of meat, a vegetable and sf jello if still hungry. I also have cheese as snacks.

My inspiration:

  • I want to not feel those bulges any more and feel good about myself again.
My goal:
  • Buy new clothes, go swimming.

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • Frustrating when the scale either stays the same or goes up a pound or two every day!

My comments:
This board is just wonderful. When I go home at night I am so frustrated. When I come in to work and get on this support board you people really lift up ones spirits and give that person the strength to want to stay with it.