Meet Ranger Maggie

I make my home in New Jersey, USA.
I’m 5 feet tall and 35 years of age.
I visit the board 3, 4 times daily.
My Stats: 164/144/115-120
My Size Stats: 14/10/8
I usually test pink.
I started Atkins on 01/08/00.
I restrict myself to 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I swim a 1/2 mile 2 or 3 times a week. I have just started a weight training program. I use weights once a week - trying to tone up, not become a body builder.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Breakfast:
    an egg, decaf coffee and vitamins
  • Snack:
    water, piece of cheese

  • Lunch:
    leftovers from previous nights lo-carb dinner or tuna with mayo, sometimes with lettuce and seltzer water
  • Snack:
    cheese and water

  • Dinner:
    chicken, beef or fish, a serving a veggies, sometimes a salad - lettuce and maybe a little tomatoe, 2T of salad dressing
  • Dessert:
    SF jello or another lo-carb dessert - I am constantly trying new lo carb recipes for every type of meal, appetizer, entree, dessert...
  • My favorite recipe:

    • It changes all the time, but I tried making revolution rolls using sour cream I added a 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon to mix and then made cream cheese frosting, using 1/2 stick of butter, 4 oz cream cheese, 2 teaspoons of brown sugar sugar twin, and a package of equal, and another 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon. Spread icing on warm rolls - mmm mmm good.

      Also like to make chocolate mousse: 2 cups heavy cream, 1/4 cup unsweetend cocoa, 3 packets of Equal, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla, whip it all up - instant delicious dessert

    My inspiration:

    • I want to look and feel better. I was not happy with myself as a heavy person and was therefore not a happy person. My husband is also a fantastic support. We are both on Atkins and we help each other avoid the carbs.
    My goal:
    • To wear a 2 piece swim suit.

    Have you experienced any negative effects:

    • none so far

    My comments:
    My name is Maggie. I am 35. I have been married 5 years to my best friend Scott. No kids, but a dog we refer to as our son - yes, he's spoiled, well behaved, but spoiled. We both started Atkins on Jan 8th. I admit we were not believers - how could this WOE possibly work? But we have a friend who lost 80 lbs! So we decided to give it a try. It was difficult at first - wish I had know about this board during induction - but we are getting the hand of this WOL. Since seeing how successful we have been, our families are even very supportive and try to accomodate our eating requirements. I am new to the board, I have only posted twice. I am still trying to find my way around, I just found this profile page today. I'm not really very computer literate, I can use software applcations, but dont ask me how they work. So be patient as I try to understand this board stuff. I am so happy I found this board. Everyone is so supportive and kind. I read this board everyday weekly - dont have computer access from home. I dont post too much, I m a bit shy, but I love reading all the posts. Thanks for all the information and support. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks again.