Meet Shirrell

You can find my webpage at:
I make my home in North Carolina, USA.
I’m 5 ft tall and 45 years of age.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 128/110/100
My Size Stats: 10/Currently in size 3's!/?
I usually test lightpurple.
I started Atkins on July 11,2000.
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • Exercise??? That should be one of those four letter words. I very seldom exercise. I'm on my feet all day at my job. I love the outdoors and I am an avid gardener, love my flowers, so spring, summer and fall you will find me doing something outside. (I hate winter) Oh, and I love to turn the stereo up loud and dance all over the room. Hope this counts..
    Update 10/20/00: Joined at health club after many years and exercising regularly!

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Breakfast:
    most of the time I skip it, if not, 2 eggs boiled or scrambled, 2 or 3 strips of bacon leftover meat from dinner
  • Lunch:
    salad with ranch or italian dressing, tuna or leftover meat from dinner
  • Dinner:
    chicken, beef or pork in some form salad, sauteed veggies, green beans, greens or broccoli salad.
  • Snack:
    cheddar or american cheese, pepperoni, pork rinds, sf jello, Advantage bar, dill pickles, olives, celery. cucumbers, keto shake

My favorite recipe:

  • I don't have a favorite yet, I've only tried a couple. One of my own is broccoli salad:

    fresh broccoli
    ranch dressing
    shredded cheddar
    crumbled bacon
    red wine vinegar
    red onion
    salt/pepper to taste

    The carb count of course depends on how much of the ingredients you add

My inspiration:

  • I want to live a long and fruitful life. I want to be healthy, have energy, enjoy every day, be one of those "old" people that continue to live their life to the fullest.
My goal:
  • Wear a bathing suit without feeling ashamed. Dance the night away in a sexy black dress. Wear the mini skirt that's hidden in my closet.(Update: That miniskirt is too big now) Keep on shopping for 2's and 3's.

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • "sweet" breath, leg cramps, (minor) diarrhea. The positives have far outweighed the negatives

My comments:
I have finally found a "way of life," something that I know I can live with, be healthy and happy. Also, finding this board motivates me, excites me, keeps me on track, answers my questions and gives me support when I need it. I'm so glad to be a member of this "family."