Meet Tolpainter

My webpage is at:
I make my home in Virginia, USA.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 201/169/155.
My Size Stats: 16-tight/14-loose/who knows.
I usually test none.
I started Atkins on 10/24/99.
I restrict myself to under 30-50 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I lift weights 2 times a week, I bowl on Wednesdays and i walk 2 to 3 miles daily on a treadmill. I love to walk and listen to music, it really gets me thinking :) I am 42 and have been overweight all of my adult life, most of my young life too.Am married with 2 girls. I have never felt as well as I do now. Funny, I get upset now when I hear about people taking pills for every ailment. If they only knew..You really ARE what you eat. I could live w/o the fist full of vitamins though...ick.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • there is nothing usual about probably don't want to know

My favorite recipe:

  • Wassa crackers with pizza sauce and cheese...yum Oh yeah, SF/FF chocolate jello made with cream...

My goal:

  • Take dance lessons....maybe cut my hair, it's been long forever..hiding I guess By pretty undies..not the industrial type :)

My inspiration:

  • The way I feel, and the fact that it is actually working!!

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • Constipation, first 2 weeks..all's well now Lack of sexual desire hit on the 3rd week...getting better now. I hear sugar is a hormone and lack of it effects your libido. Spending $$ on bread that's terrible.... :)