Meet Tommye

I make my home in Michigan USA.
I’m 5'2" tall and 49 years of age.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 300/290?/180
My Size Stats: 6X/6X/18 or 20
I usually test purple.
I started Atkins on June 21/00.
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • Because of my weight, my back, legs, and feet are in very poor shape. It is very difficult for me to walk, esp. in the summer months because of my allergies. I love to swim, however, I will not go to a public pool. I try to do little things like parking in the farther spots in a parking lot, walking up stairs instead of taking the elevator, etc.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • In the mornings, I don't eat when I get up. I am not hungry at that time. Usually 2 hours later is when I feel like eating. I usually have 2 rev rolls zapped in the microwave with a little butter, Splenda & cinnamon. Or, I'll make zero carb pancakes, or have some ham, sausage, bacon with eggs. I drink gourmet coffee in the morning with a little heavy whipping cream. For lunch, I generally have leftovers from my dinner the night before. Usually with a lettuce or cucumber salad. Sometimes I like to cut up pieces of ham with some shredded cheese and a hard boiled egg into a bowl of lettuce and make a big salad. Or, I like tuna with mayo on lettuce. For dinner, I make another salad, with either steak, meatloaf, fish, chicken or slow-cooked pot roast (without the potatoes, carrots and other goodies). Sometimes I have cauliflower, broccoli, or spinach with my dinner instead of a salad. My snacks consist of pork rinds sometimes with melted cheese, SF jello! , Chai Tea, or leftover meat.

My favorite recipe:

  • The Rev rolls are one of my favorites! I don't think I could have gotten through induction without them! I also like the banana pancakes I made. (They're zero carbs and on the recipe board.) I also like 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with some sweetner, butter and nut flavored extract and some cinnamon sprinkled on it. That's a tasty little snack, too!

My inspiration:

  • My health is failing because of my weight. I'm too young to fall apart!
My goal:
  • Be able to tie my shoes without having to put my leg up on a stool move easier and with less pain just overall feel better. Give my poor feet a break!! (negeffects) None so far. Staying with the board daily is a big must for me. Without the board I know I would wind up falling off. It's sort of like the old Weight Watcher's meetings that I used to go to. Lots of positive support, kindness, inovative ideas and suggestions, and people who really care.

My comments:
I just want to say how grateful I am for all the people who contribute to the board, and those who keep this website going. It has been a life-line for me!