Meet Toots

I Make my home in Northern West Virginia, USA
I visit the board daily.

My Stats: 200/172/135.(as of June 17/00)
My Start size: 16, Current size 14, Goal size 10.
Started the Atkin's Diet on 10/23/99.
I limit my carbs to under 20 a day.
Besides carbs I restrict: Caffeine, Aspertame, Saccharin.
I usually test purple.

What I usually eat in a day.

  • I don't have usual times for meals. I eat when I'm hungry. In an average day I might eat any kind of meat that I have available, salad with ranch dressing, jello, pork rinds and as much water that Ican comfortably drink.

What is your favorite recipe.?

  • Meatzza Pizza.

Besides us at the board, what is your inpiration to stay on track.?

  • The picture I have of me in a bikini. I hope to be wearing one this summer.

What are some of the things you would like to do when you reach your goal weight.?

  • Go shopping for a new wardrobe.

Share negative effects you have experienced on this diet:

  • Constipation.

Any comments:

  • I thank God that I found the poeple on this board. I don't always get the support I need at home but I can count on my extended family of board members to pat me on the back or pick me up when I need it.