Meet Tracelouie

I make my home in Western Australia.
I’m 4'11" tall and 28 years of age.
I visit the board weekly.
My Stats: 156/147/110 (I think maybe 115)
My Size Stats: 16/14/8
I usually test none.
I started Atkins a few times.
I restrict myself to 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I try not to use the work exercise, l try to keep active all the time. However if l do have a day without much movement, l will go for a walk after dinner (half hour). I would like to do this everyday, but l am building up to this..

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Breakfast:
    beefpaddie, bacon, egg, and 1/2 slice of chesse
  • Lunch:
    homemade meat balls with extra bacon and egg, with tomato paste.
  • Dinner:
    chicken most of the time, with a teaspoon of veggies.
  • Snack:
    alway eating porkrines.

My favorite recipe:

  • Homemade meatballs: sausage mince 1.5kg(with no bread crumbs) egg, chopped bacon, and protine powder few tablespoons, some garlic and any other flavoring. Mix with your hands all this together and roll in to small balls and brown them in oil. 2 X 500g tomato paste and 500g of water cover the meatballs, and slowly bring to the boil, then turn this down and boil ever so slightly for two hours. Then l pick out the balls and maybe a scoop of the sauce and pack them in to frezer bags. (Puting the sauce on Hubbies pasta). For variety l use differnt flavored tomato paste.

My inspiration:

  • A flat stomach, and size 8
My goal:
  • I would like to do a nude silhouette photo.

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • It can be hard when you go out, and you can't find anything to eat.

My comments:
I love the board, it has helped me stay on track and the support is great. I feel better knowing that l am not the only one doing this diet and going through the challenges it presents.