Meet Val

I make my home in Pennsylvania - USA.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 178/164/25.
My Size Stats: 16-18/loose 16/8 but would love to squeeze into a 6.
I usually test light purple.
I started Atkins on 12/1/99.
I restrict myself to under 20 of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • i exercise about 3 times a week... trying to get it to be more. I walk about 2-3 miles. Thats all I do right now, and about all I have time for. Eww, it sounds pathetic. I really should do more.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Unfortunately my usual breakfast is bacon or sausage and eggs. I'm so sick of eggs! But, it's easy so I do it. Lunch I have to keep on the smaller side because I have to be able to take it to work... so I usually have hot dogs, meatballs, or tuna. I try to be more creative at dinner, really I do! Fried mozz sticks with meatballs n' sauce, chicken with butter n' garlic, salad...

My favorite recipe:

  • I have fallen in love with fried mozz sticks! Pork rinds rule! :)

My goal:

  • Allow myself to be seen shopping at Gap. And go swimming! I've always been so afraid to do that.

    Negative effects:

    • I don't even know if this has anything to do with the diet but lately my muscles in my legs have been cramping up. I wake up in the middle of the night with sharp paines.. but it might be due to the change in waeather too, I don't know.

    My inspiration:

    • My desire to be thin and wear half the clothes in my closet instead of giving them all to my skinny friend. I think even more than that though would be to surprise my friend at his wedding this summer!!

    My comments:
    I'm new to this BB, but I really like it. Everyone seems so friendly. I love how people can stick together and help eachother through this. You all rock! :)