To:  Travis
From:  Jonathan
We've been together for so long and you've been there for me to cheer me up, to comfort me, to lift my spirits and to calm me down - and you've let me do the same to you.  We've laughed together, cried together, been bored together....You've done so much in my life, Travis... you've shown me who i really am and who i want to be; you helped me come to terms with being gay and also helped me get out of the closet.  I have a whole new perspective on life, and a new found enthusaism for life.  Before i used to cry myself to sleep at night out of sheer frustration, out of sheer pain and anger over who i was... angry at God for making me like this.. angry at having to live the rest of my life alone... angry at forced to make a decision of lying about my sexuality, who i truly was, to my family, friends, and to myself.  Angry at seeing my future wife and kids suddenly slip away........ all my dreams gone.  But you've shown me that there is always hope, that anything you want, you can have... and that love can exist between two people... even if they are hundreds of kilometres away and connected only by a single phone line.  I had no idea that little 1's and 0's could be so profound to me... that they could make me feel the most amazing of emotions...  You have no idea how hard i wanted to scream about how i felt about you and how hard i tried from crying and hugging the monitor.  You are truly special to me.
I love you.
Okay, i have to quit talkin like this or else i'll run out of kleenex's and soak the keyboard (I need a new one anyways).  I'll write more when i send u my letter, k? -Jon
Alright, to anyone who doesn't know who we are, a small background briefing:
Subject #1:  Travis A. aka Tarion
Location:  Maryville, Missouri, US
Age:  19
Occupation:  2nd year college student at Northwest Missouri University
Status:  Single, and GORGEOUS (Well, I'm biased)
Other:  Loves X-files, used to watch Sharon, Lois and Bram, Voltron, Transformers, GI Joe, Thundercats and all the other KICK ASS cartoons when we were kids, oldest of MANY kids, part-time blond, the world's best hugger, absolutely amazing cook, caregiver and lover... can cheer up ANYONE,  very passionate and caring, COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDING AND PATIENT, poetic, extremely intelligent, Awesome sense of humour that always laughs at my jokes, no matter NOW lame they may be, loves hugs, is a big time kisser and adores it when someone nibbles on his ear, loves bikini briefs or just walking around "au naturel", gots TONS of girlfriends, loves smooooooth young guys (he thinks he's hairy but he's NOT), has a thing for Belami guys and gay videos (WHO DOESN'T???), loves going out and shopping and buying lots of stuff and then selling it later, is absolutely cute on the phone!!, is awesome at c-sexing.. hahaha sorry trav, had to add that one in, able to think so deeply and poeticly... his words penetrate right to the core of your heart, almost connecting the two of you so that one can think and feel what the other is thinking and feeling... he's just absolutely amazing... i am so lucky that i met him!!!
<More to come.. need to think>

Subject #2:  Jonathan Y.  aka Kamikaze
Location:  Toronto, Ontario, Canada, eh?
Age: 20
Occupation:  Nosepicker.  And 2nd year college student at University of Western Ontario
Status: Single, and recently out of the closet (Well, i'm not REALLY out of the closet.. more like inching towards the door.  You can find me right behind the old winter coats and the trombone that you gave up in high school)
Other:  I made this site, so i dont' have to add anything here.  SO THERE!!! PBBTT!!! :oÞ

Info about the two of us:
We met on ICQ on February 9th, 1998 at 1:23 AM EST.  I was bored and randomed him late at night.  The conversation started with me talking quite vulgarly about nosepicking and boogers and he was doing laundry.  We were both looking for cybersex.  Deep down we wanted friendship.  We ended up getting both.  The rest, is history.  We've been together ever since, and i kept an almost complete log of our time together.  Whenever i can't sleep or feel lonely and depressed i open that file and read a few lines and i feel rejuvenated (Did I spell that right?).

If you're reading this, and you think that true love doesn't exist.... i'm telling you it does.. and the perfect person for you is out there.. it's fate that will drive the two of you together. Am i born romantic...*sigh*

Alrighty, this deep thoughts stuff is really... umm... ahh... well.. deep.

If you want to contact us, for any reason, Send to

Please please please please please send mail!! WE LOVE IT!!!