Brave, Beautiful & Eloquent - the Amazons have their say.

Being a myth does have an advantage: Most people don't expect a myth to be true.

Let's separate the fact from the fiction.

Amazons Never Existed
Disbelief of the truth doesn't change the truth. Amazons existed. Thanks to the efforts of people such as Jeannine Davis-Kimball, there is even concrete evidence of ancient Amazon warriors. True, there is still much to uncover about the first Amazon women, but there is no validity in claiming they didn't exist.

All Amazons Hated Men
Another Myth.
Not all Germans hated the Jews, and not all Amazons hated men. Refusal to accept patriarchal rule and male domination is not an aborrhance of men, either.

Amazons Killed Their Male Children
If a male was born of an Amazon, a deliverer was chosen to take the child to its natural father or to the father's family.

Even if Amazons Existed, They Don't Anymore

Amazons are only women. Myth. This is, after all, the 21st century. It's probably safe to say that Amazons are "mostly" women.

Amazons Kept Men As Slaves

Amazons didn't believe in keeping slaves. The possibility of run aways or an uprising just wasn't worth it.

All Amazons Were Lesbians

While it's true that some Amazons were probably lesbians, the idea that all of them were or are is absurd and holds no basis in truth. Some Amazons happen to be lesbians, but some are not. Being an Amazon has never been based on the individual's sexual preference. It's not about being homosexual or heterosexual, but it does have much to do with your attitude. Before assuming that a lesbian is an Amazon or an Amazon is lesbian- think!

Amazon Quotes:

"It is a man's world. Not because it should be, but because we let them have it. It's based on a woman's weakness. The Amazon world is based on truth, on a woman's individual strength."
- Terreis in "Hooves & Harlots"

"I don't despise you. But you've got to think of the children. Is bloodshed all you want them to know?"
- Ephiny in "Is There A Doctor In The House?"

"Xena was a true Amazon, even though she denied it."
- Velasca in "The Quest"

"It's not whether you die- it's how you die that counts. Let me tell you something about myself. I like pain. I like what it does to people, and I like what it makes people do. And I'm not bragging. I'm just explaining."
- Velasca in "The Quest"

"Amazons don't have parades."
- Ephiny in "A Necessary Evil"

"Bow your head, Ephiny."
- Velasca
"You'll have to kill me first."
- Ephiny

"Artemis, you fake! Where were you when our nation died?! Where were you when the many Amazon tribes were scattered and destroyed?! Where were you when the word 'Amazon' became a joke told by old men in taverns?!"
- Velasca in "A Necessary Evil"

"You must have a death wish."

- Velasca in "A Necessary Evil"

"Only the Fates know why sleep steals a child's life."
- Ephiny in "Maternal Instincts"

"Join us. We can teach you a new way- a new code to live by. We live for each other- not ourselves. Think about my offer."
- Cyane in "Adventures In The Sin Trade II"

"Just because you weren't born into this world is no excuse. It's not blood that makes an Amazon warrior. It's training and preparation and attitude. We need to be able to count on each other- watch each other's back."
- Siri in the HTLJ episode "Prodigal Sister"

"Don't sacrifice your lives for the Amazon Nation. Make our enemies sacrifice theirs."
- Siri in the HTLJ episode "Prodigal Sister"

"We're outnumbered in this world, and we rely on surprise and the fear our reputation instills."
- Mayhem in the HTLJ episode "Prodigal Sister"

"In my tribe, looking first is like giving a warning."
- Amarice in "Endgame"
"What does your tribe think about following orders?"
- Ephiny in "Endgame"

"In my tribe, we never needed to defend. We always attacked."
- Amarice in "Endgame"
"Well, we do things differently here."
- Xena in "Endgame"

"Chilapa, you would make a better queen than I."
- Gabrielle
"But you have wisdom that I don't have."
- Chilapa
"There's a trick to that. When you need to make a decision- think of Ephiny. Do what she would do."
- Gabrielle in "Endgame"

"One way or another, the Amazons will go on."
-Xena in "Endgame"

"Nature is composed of several planes of reality. And they're all united by one thing- the mind."
- Yakut in "Them Bones, Them Bones"

"Think of it this way. In the day, when you're awake- is one reality. At night, when you dream- there's another. And what all these realities have in common- is your awareness of them."
Yakut in "Them Bones, Them Bones"

"I accepted command out of necessity, not desire."
- Cyane in "Life Blood"

"Each of us has a mission in life- a role to fulfill. I didn't get the chance to complete mine."

- Yakut in "Life Blood"

"We have an obligation here. Without new life, our tribe dies! Begin the rite of caste ceremony."
- Gabrielle in "Life Blood"

"Even as a spirit, I don't have the ability to break the laws of time- to see into the past."
- Yakut in "Life Blood"

"Revenge is not justice!"
- Gabrielle in "Life Blood"

"Don't your traditions include listening to your queen?"
- Xena in "Life Blood"

"Tretomlec women- I propose a new mission for us. In honor of our lost fathers, sons, brothers, and husbands- we take no more men into our tribe- but dedicate our lives to helping others! I say we lay to rest with our beloved men the name Tretomlec- and embrace the name given to us by the Atmah. From this moment on, we are the Amazons!"
- Karina in "Life Blood"

"Xena says it's good to have a balance of work and play."
- Eris in "Kindred Spirits"

"It's tough for an Amazon to meet men."
- Rhea in "Kindred Spirits"

"Well, I'm a virgin- and I'm gonna stay that way forever."
- Eris in "Kindred Spirits"

"That's the ram's horn. The Amazons use it to call the queen to the ceremonies. I've been encouraging them to respect their traditions."

- Gabrielle in "Kindred Spirits"

"If a male should look on an Amazon's natural grace without her permission- he shall lose an eye." -

"Okay, it says in the Amazon scrolls- that if an accused man pledges allegiance to the queen- he may be pardoned for a first offense."
Gabrielle in "Kindred Spirits"

"He's reduced us to living like bandits in our own forest. But he will never defeat us. We'll defend what's left- to the death."
- Varia in "Coming Home"

"I live for trouble"
- Varia in "Coming Home"
"Believe me- you don't wanna make me angry."
- Eve in "Coming Home"

"You took care of my sister Amazons before you took care of yourself. Thank you."
- Varia in "Coming Home"

"If we leave- we are nothing. We are nothing. Without our land, we are no longer Amazons."
- Queen Marga in "Coming Home"

"You burned our forests! You murdered our sisters! No more. We won't take another backward step. You'll have to kill every last one of us."
- Queen Marga in "Coming Home"

"Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt- protector of the Shimax Amazon tribe! Give us strength against our enemies- independence from men! Keep us strong...and free!"
- Kayla in the HTLJ episode "Love, Amazon Style"

"If I were you- I'd leave now, because after the spell is lifted- my Amazon sisters and I are gonna kill everyone who saw us like this."

- Kayla in the HTLJ episode "Love, Amazon Style"

"Okay, you've made your point. You're not a pig. So, after this curse is lifted, and I cut off your head- I'll feel real bad about it."
- Kayla

"Yes- you miserable little worm."
- Kayla

"When the spell is off- you die."
- Kayla

"I want to- thank you- for showing me that there are men in this world who deserve my trust."
- Kayla

"Anger makes you vulnerable, Varia."
- Xena in "Dangerous Prey"

"Marga is dead, Varia. The village is next. You can't save them on your own. You've gotta trust me."
- Xena in "Dangerous Prey"

"Trusting outsiders has done nothing but get us killed!"
-Varia in "Dangerous Prey"

"This whole time, all I could think about was avenging Marga's death. But I'm here. He's gone. I guess that's revenge."
-Varia in "Dangerous Prey"

"We can't survive scattered to the winds any longer. Everywhere, Amazons are persecuted. We have united- to protect ourselves."
- Kanae in "Path of Vengeance"

"My tribe doesn't kill the enemy once they've surrendered."
- Cyane in "Path of Vengeance"

"Changing her name does not change her crimes."
- Varia in "Path of Vengeance"

"The Amazons are tired of being pushed around. We're going to fight back, united and strong."
- Varia in "Path of Vengeance"

"Amazon tradition states that the council must speak with one voice."
-Varia in "Path of Vengeance"

"You defy her- you defy the whole Amazon Nation."
-  Mawu-Ka

"You were ready to let me kill you- just so that I could see I was headed down the wrong path."
- Varia in "Path of Vengeance"

"To a strong Amazon Nation!"

- Said by various Amazons in the episode "To Helicon and Back"

"The Amazon Nation can only go to war under an Amazon Queen"
- Queen Gwyn-Teir in "To Helicon and Back"

"What kind of madman are you? You invite the wrath of the Amazon Nation on your head- by kidnapping me?"
- Varia in "To Helicon and Back"

"Whoever you are- whatever your grudge is against me- my sisters won't stand for this. They'll come after you."
- Varia in "To Helicon and Back"

"Everybody's afraid. Some people are just better at hiding it. You'll do fine."
- Gabrielle in "To Helicon and Back"

"It's not nice to meet you, Bellerophon."
- Xena in "To Helicon and Back"

"When we hit the shore, disembark in silence. The element of surprise is our greatest weapon."
- Gabrielle in "To Helicon and Back"

"Why didn't you do something? Why didn't you stop them? They've got catapults! We are going to die! We are all going to die!"
- Bame
"You listen to me. Yes, they've got catapults, and yes we are going to die, if you don't pull yourself together! Ya hear me? All of you, keep calm! Get back."
- Xena in "To Helicon and Back"

"Queen Mawu-Ka. Queen Gwyn-Teir. Your friend, Bame. Their blood- on the shores of this land. Our sisters have died. But death- is not an end to their spirits. Death- it's a pathway- to an afterlife. And when it is my time to join them- I want to know that I can grasp them by the hands. I can look them all in the eyes- and tell them that their blood was not shed without purpose. That we finished the job that they began. More of us may die today- but the Amazon Nation- it will live on, forever. That is the duty that we carry- and the everlasting honor that we will hold."
- Queen Gabrielle in "To Helicon and Back"

"Don't try to make me feel better about this. Half my tribe- lies dead on the beach. Now I have to be as cold- and ruthless as I can be. I'll do whatever I have to to keep these women alive."
- Queen Gabrielle in "To Helicon and Back"

"That wasn't fear you saw in my eyes before- it was disgust."
- Xena in "To Helicon and Back"

"I killed your mother to save my daughter. And you killed the Amazons to avenge your mother. So the Amazons killed your soldiers. Why add one more name to the ranks of the dead? End it here, Bellerophon. Make the decision to walk away from the cycle of killing."
- Xena in "To Helicon and Back"

"To a strong Amazon Nation."
Varia in "To Helicon and Back"