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Scouter Deryck's Scouting Plus Homepage File:

"Badge Collecting: A True Scouting Hobby"

By Deryck N. Robertson & Mark Adams


There is, perhaps, nothing more truly Scouting than badge collecting and trading. At most Scouting events, there can be found people engaged in lively swapping. For those of us actively involved in this hobby, it is important that we encourage younger members of Scouting to take up collecting themselves. It is an excellent way for them to meet others and to learn about Scouting in other cities, provinces, and around the world.

How can we as Scouters get the youth involved in badge collecting? Well, here are a few simple ideas:

For those youth that have access to the Internet, there are many sites dedicated to badge trading and collecting. On some sites you can post a message stating what you have to offer or what you would like to receive in a trade. People can then respond to your ad. For those with access to a scanner, you can trade badges virtually. You can download scanned images of badges and send in your own scanned images. (Note: It is recommended to have parents involved with their children when any on-line activity is occuring. While most people involved in this and other activities on the Internet are honest and trustworthy, there are those who might use this opportunity for deceitful and dangerous purposes. Children should never give out their names and addresses without their parents' knowledge and consent.)

For organising collections, only a couple of items are all that are needed: a binder, and some plastic pages used for baseball cards or photos are perfect to keep the badges easily visible. Just make sure the pages are archival quality. After starting out small, collections can grow fast. Soon, their collections can far beyond badges into other Scouting memorabilia such as older uniforms and books.

The most important thing to keep in mind with this hobby is that it is not only about the badges, it also about the many long-lasting friendships that can develop with fellow Scouts and collectors.

Programme Links: Collector Badge, Citizenship Badge, Troop Specialty Badge, Cultural Awareness Badge, etc.



Scouter Deryck N. Robertson is the Troop Scouter with the 15th Peterborough Salvation Army Scout Group and an Assistant Rover Advisor with the 1st Wooler Rover Crew. He is always looking for a good trade and can be contacted at .

Scouter Mark Adams is a Rover in the 1st Wooler Rover Crew and a Scout Counsellor with the 15th Peterborough Salvation Army Scout Group. Also a badger, he can be contacted at .