Welcome to the home page of Troop 173 of the Greater Niagara Frontier Council in Western New York. We are chartered by the Willow Ridge Civic Association in Amherst, NY, and meet at Willow Ridge Elementary School every Monday.


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Patches Klondike 2002 Guide

The 2002 Onondaga District Klondike was hosted by Troop 173! It ran from January 25 to January 27, 2002, at Schoellkopf Scout Reservation, with the theme of the Iditarod sled race held in Alaska; we called it the IditaKlondike. We won more awards than any other troop at the 2001 Klondike, and that hard work was magnified through the smooth running of the 2002 Klondike. We have had many compliments from Scoutmasters and camp staff, and we have really raised the bar as far as hosting a good Klondike. Click here to view the Klondike guide sent to all troops in .DOC format (Microsoft Word and Wordpad). The patch for the 2002 Klondike is shown above!

Some good deeds of Troop 173:
Some accomplishments of Troop 173:
High Adventure:

If you have any questions, comments, etc., please sign our guestbook, or email us.