Mohawk Wolf Cub Pack, Baie D'Urfe, Quebec, Canada
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The Wolf Page 

pawprints.gif (5745 bytes)

woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)MIRACLES IN THE SNOW
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)THE FATHER OF WOLVES
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)THE GRAY WOLF
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)AN ANGRY WOLF
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)CUTE WOLF CUBS
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)BOOKS TO READ
woodbullet.gif (174 bytes)DOWNLOAD PC DESKTOP WALLPAPER OF A WOLF (131kb)

wolfdot.gif (248 bytes)MIRACLES IN THE SNOW

Through the transient fog of the dark winter night, peered haunting blue eyes with their soft glowing light.
The powerful stare with its brilliance and intricacy, brought on a shivering response full of caution and mystery.
They seemed to float through the air with great charm, in an effort to announce that "they meant you no harm."
Yet as subtle as the movements had tried to be, an eerie feeling of desolation abruptly overtook me.
As I fell to the frozen, unforgiving, forest floor, I noticed those two eyes had been accompanied by two more!
Soon there were three enchanting pairs upon me, watching and listening, gliding through the trees,
With one final shiver the dark night became black, I knew as I slept, that I would not be coming back.
I dreamt of a thousand things that night, mostly about a past I wanted to fix and make right.
The bright morning sun was the next thing I saw, which was followed by the touch of a rather large paw!
And after providing a steaming kiss on the nose, the wolf disappeared, and I arose.
In the snow at my feet, there were paw prints all about, and the surrounding outlines of the bodies, which helped keep the winter out.
The howl which followed, echoed forever it seemed... conveying the heartfelt message, "you are important to me."

The "Spiritwolf" written by Brian D. Schmidt.

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wolfdot.gif (248 bytes)THE FATHER OF WOLVES

A pup went to his father with questions in his mind,
about the world around him; about life, nature and time.

First he asked about the world, about how he came to be,
about how he knew right from wrong and about the mystery of the sea.

The father smiled and answered his son in a riddled rhyme,
"Your life will go onward from now and you shall know in time.

But over the course of time remember that you have in your paw,
the power to give life by mercy and the power to kill by the claw.

But always know you are no king, for nature has given this power to others,
Though they shall not harm those who live a good life, for all of nature is your sisters and brothers."

The pup nodded to this father then asked him some other words,
About the bountiful river and the mighty caribou herds.

The father smiled and answered his son again, looking into the young pups eyes,
answering with the same soft spoken words, in the same riddled rhyme.

"The water we drink and food we eat is granted to us for life,
but each must only take as much as they need, for that is only right.

But each is destined to grow old, and to soon after have all health gone,
So then they might fall prey to nature so that others may live on."

The pup again nodded once turning to his father to ask him of his life,
How he had come to know all he did about his pain, suffering and strife.

"My son," he whispered to the pup still gazing in his eyes,
"I know of what I speak my son, through using my own mind.

I'll tell you of what I've seen my son and of what the shamans preach,
Live your life well but harm no other, for the purpose of life is to teach."

To this the pup just nodded, making this knowledge his own,
he then sweetly nuzzled his father, as the enlightenment in his eyes shown.

Then the father spoke unto his son about the strangest of nature's clan,
Of the ones who've learned so very little, he warned his son of man.

"Be fearful son of a race called man for they know not what they do,
They have been gifted abilities far beyond our own, yet utilize so few.

They act not for their brothers and sisters, but for the betterment of one,
They've violated many of natures laws but know not what they've done.

Man has abandoned the powerful mind he has which first allowed him to thrive,
But he will reap what he has sewn once he can no longer survive."

With that the father nuzzled his son and bid him on his way,
knowing his son would lead a wealthy life and pass his knowledge on one day.

Kayotae Blackwolf


wolfdot.gif (248 bytes)THE GRAY WOLF a.k.a. The Timber Wolf (Canis lupus)

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wolfdot.gif (248 bytes)BOOKS TO READ (in addition to the Jungle book)
Never Cry Wolf
by Farley Mowat(1965)
Wolf Wars
by Hank Fischer (1995)
In Praise of Wolves
by R. D. Lawrence
Vanishing Wildlife of North America
Thomas B. Allen, (1974) 
Wild Dogs - The Wolves, Coyotes, and Foxes of North America
by Erwin A. Bauer (1994)
  easternwolf.jpg (5868 bytes)

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April 25, 2005