CUB SCOUT LEADER; Tim Pomfret / ASSISTANTS; Jackie Hooks and Chris Halton

27 Daniel Way, Silver End, Witham, Essex, CM8 3SW. Or e-mail;

Telephone (Home) 01376 584653 (Mobile) 07771 627564


Pack Program May 98 to Sept 98

Sun 3rd May Paper Collection At the Scout Barn 10am (on the corner of Silver St. and Boars Tye Rd. behind the wooden bus shelter…Adult and Kid's help needed!

Tues. 5th May Swim & Chips At Backwater Pool, Maldon; Leave at 6:15, back 9pm -Fun for non-swimmers too

Sun 10th May Village Fun Run, Run by US…Start 12 Noon at the Memorial Park - Points for all Cub runners

Tues. 12th May Bases Night We will be joined by some Sixers & Seconders from 1st Halstead for an evening of Challenges, Fun and Bases.

Sat 16th May District Open Day Fun and things to see and do for all the family…It all

Starts at 2pm (Prances - District campsite) ITS FREE

Tues. 19th May Collector’s Night We look around a massive collection in some barns near Bradwell. Normal Cub times for this visit.

Tues. 26th May Cyclist badge (1) If you have a bike and / or Helmet bring it down to Cubs…If not we will borrow one for you…All about bike care and equipment

Sun 31st May Boot Fair Some of the Cubs & Leaders run a stall to raise ££’s for Cub Trips & Camps

Tues. 2nd June Cyclist Badge (2) Bring your bikes again…We practice safe riding around a special course and get our badges

Sun 7th June Paper collection 10am again at the Barn…. We need as many as possible to help each month

Tues. 9th June Activity Eve Absailing, Rifle Range, Assault Course at Prances Go 6:30pm return for 9:15pm.

Tue 16th June Photo Night (1) A photographer shows us how a camera works & we go out to take some pics

Tue 23rd June Photo Night (2) We develop our own prints & get our badges

Sat 27th June Special Sixer’s Trip we’re off canoeing to a pukka centre in Harlow; Leave at 10am -till approx. 5pm.

Mon. 29th June parents meeting About the Jamboree…to find out more (7:30pm)

Tue 30th June Water Fun Night Fun and games with water & water safety…bring spare clothes and a towel!

Sun 5th July Paper Collection we still need help; Adults & Kids 10am at the barn


Tues. 7th July Visit Mersea Island To look around the Lifeboat Station and have a Crab fishing comp’. Leave at 6:00pm return about 9:00pm

Thurs., 9th July Sixer’s Meeting Meet 6pm at the Hut…We plan the hike!

Tue 14th July Hike & Cook out Leave the Hut at 6:15pm.Pick up at Egypts Farm, Cressing Road at 8:30pm

Tue 21st July Camp Care Eve Find out how to look after yourself, your equipment on camp…We also make up safety rules for camping

Tue 28th July Pre Sherwood Eve We look forward to the week away and tent choices

* * * * Sherwood International Jamboree Sat 1st August to Sat 8th August* * * * *

Tue 11 August No Meeting The Leaders Need to recover!

Tue 18 August Sports Challenge the First of our Joint Summer Meetings

Wed 26 August Ann’s Surprise Joint with the Discovery Cubs

Tues. 1st Sept round Village Trail, A village quiz, with the Discovery Cubs

Tues. 8th Sept New Program out and the first meeting back after the Summer Holidays…Chuck up to Scouts

The Leaders would like to thank everyone who has helped at Cubs before and those that will help with this new program. We think that it looks as though we will have a great time at the Challenger pack in the time up to September and hope you will. The Cubs and Sixers have helped with the ideas, and if anyone has any ideas for the next program please let us know. At Cubs…Please remember that we will always play games at most meetings as well as the things on the program…and most things count towards your badges or awards.

If anyone wants to know anything more about what we plan to do, please feel free to speak to your leaders at Cubs (6:45pm is a good time) or contact us on the normal numbers. Thanks

Tim - Cub Scout Leader

Contact Numbers for Cubs or Parents;

Our Pack; Tim on 01376 584653 or (Mobile) 07771 627564

GSL (Oversees the whole Scout Group); Derek on 01376 573371. Group Fund-raising Committee; Our parent Rep; Steve on 584406

District Scout Shop…For all uniform and Scout Gifts Phone 01621 892876.If In they are open!

All our Leaders, Committee and helpers give up their time on a voluntary basis. Reg.’ Charity No; 271619

ã Tim Pomfret 1997,98

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