I cry out amongst you. A voice in a crowd of billions.....Some hear and some ignore regardless it's all about me in my true colors.....

Some people see the many faces of me: mad, sad, happy, grateful, pleased, depressed, frustrated, etc.
I'm a type of person that tries to impress people. I just want to be different as a matter of fact. I want to be me. I work,(assistant manager)I sleep,(Erie, PA)I eat,(various of foods; favorite is mac'n'cheese)I create,(writings, my daughter)I go out and have fun(usually w/my bestfriend, Anna.)
And in all this I'm still different, one of a kind, in my ideas, my creativity and personality...
Oh yeah still single...:)

Here is a pic of me


Mom- Leader of us all. She's famous for her lectures. And if you want something like money to borrow well be prepared for them too. She has to ensure the guilt to make sure you pay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Understand a learned trait that I will be using o my own children. But she's a beautiful person on the outside as well as the inside. She' worked hard for what she has and I have to say: "Way to go MOM!

Tammy- Army girl!! Yes that's what she is! Another girl who works hard and gets what she need for her family. She's married to a great guy with 2 sons. One about a month younger than my own daughter. She's the best and even though I hardly talk to her anymore I hope she knows it.

Tiffany- She's just about my closest sister and best friend. We hang out and talk all the time. Though she does take after our mom with the lectures bit(adds more stubborness in it too). She works hard and sees her daughter who lives with her daddy(she takes a lot after her mommy and her attitude!!)

Tara- She's growing up into a beautiful woman. Guys Keep their hands off!!!!!!!!!! She has 3 sisters and one bad ass leader called mom that looks over her. She has a lot of potential and she's very smart to take her places!!!!!!!!!!!


The sweet child of the future,
She's always full of cute surprises
Looks and new phrases that she learns while observing others.
She always makes me smile, even being mad.
She's a part of me and I cherish every moment I spend with her.

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