Alberta and Saskatchewan are world famous for their big bodied big racked whitetails.Here are some pics of some of the bucks that some of my hunting friends and I have taken over the years in both provinces.As is the story everywhere,with all hunters,we have had our share of great luck and bad.Hard work and alot of time in the field have paid off for us,and believe me, we have also missed and messed up on our share of monsters too!I would like to dedicate this section of my site to the great guys I have the privilge to hunt Whitetails with both in Saskatchewan and Alberta.We have spent some memorable times together chasing these wily old bucks around,and I wouldn't give those memories up for anything!Thanks guys!

Darrel took this good looking buck on one of our annual trips to Saskatchewan. I was lucky enough to be with him when we came upon this buck, and although we had to work hard to get him, it was worth every minute. Sharing this hunt with Darrel made for one of my most fulfilling days hunting....a day I'll never forget.

Glen and Dave teamed up,with Glenn taking this huge bodied old 4x4 buck.He had heavy antlers as you can see,and a pibald stomach and chest,which none of us in our hunting party had seen before.A real nice Whitetail which made a very nice mount.

Lou took this awesome 5 x 5.With good spread,and good tine length, there aren't many hunters who would let this buck walk.

This is Glenn's best whitetail to date,and what a buck!He is a typical 5 x 5 with some cheater points thrown in and is a true trophy buck.Steve Dyke of Calgary did a great job on the mount,and Glenn will have a tough time beating this one!Way to go buds!

I took this buck on the wide open prairie,the last week of the season.I had shot a nice Mule Deer the day before,and would have shot the first "half decent" whitetail buck I had a chance at.We found this guy standing in a summer fallow field,and he was definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time!He's no monster by any means,and is not heavy at all in the antler,but has some good tine length and lots of potential for a fairly young buck.

These two bucks where taken from the same alfalfa field on the same November morning by Rob and Eric.

My buddy Dave took this brute...I spotted him in the middle of a stubble field,but it was Dave's turn to shoot,and what a nice shot he made!The pic on the right also shows a Mule Deer Dave took the following week.

This outstanding Alberta Whitetail was taken by my good friend Rick. After guiding in Saskatchewan for most of the month of November,he could only hunt the last couple of days of the Alberta season. He stumbled upon this great deer and had to work hard to put him down. He gross scores very high, and easily makes the Boone and Crocket record book net. Way to go Rick!

This Whitetail buck is my pride and joy, and definitely my best to date.He has alot of character,and was close to if not over the 300 pound mark on the hoof.His demise was a doe in estrus and I was very lucky to connect on him.My good friend Darrel was with me at the time,and believe me when I say I was lucky in every sense of the word to get him.Darrel and I have shared some great hunts,and I owe this buck to him big time!He sports a 6 x 8 point rack,with a couple of those points with broken tips, and a unique double throat patch.I would also like to thank Steve Dyke of Calgary for doing such a fine job on the mount.

Here's an honest to goodness 300 lb Whitetail from the Wainwright, Alberta area. Huge body, a nice frame in the antler area, but only grew a 3 x 3 rack for some reason. I would say he was in his prime, but just didn't have the genetics.