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My Hobbies


My main hobby is programming. That's why I chose computer science as my major. It all started when I graduated from elementary school. My dad brought me a book, Learning IBM BASIC for the Personal Computer (D.A. Lien, Compusoft Publishing). The book is quite entertaining and made me a rookie programmer just when I entered Junior High.

Using BASIC, I created a math-testing program and my first (and up to now, the only) game, Dakon Master. In search of optimizing BASIC for animation, I tried to study the Intel 8088 Assembly language, but I never went far (the computer software trends moved quicker than my abilities to cope with it). Not long after Windows-based programs were becoming even-more popular (it was the transition from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95 at that time), I gradually lost interest in BASIC; I knew Visual BASIC only after it's 3rd version appeared.

By end of the second year at Junior High, I moved on to C and not long after, C++, and finally created my first real program, Diary for Windows using Borland C++ 4.0 with it's ObjectWindows framework.

At Senior High school, I didn't do much. Only learned JavaTM, during the WWW applets hype. I had to catch up with my studies, so I can get admitted in the science class at 3rd grade in order to be able to take a CS major. Also because of political campaigns, riots and finally change of regime in Indonesia, I hadn't had the chance to do anything except stay at home, study, and worry... ;-)


I enjoy going to places, especially with close friends. After all, too much working with computers can be boring. Since it's difficult to go very far, malls are usually be our destination points. Although sometimes we had the opportunity to go to beaches and camping.

Since I'm in UI now, where there are lots of open spaces in the Depok campus, sometimes I just walk around the university ground, from campus to campus, just to get out from everyday activities in class or in the lab. You can take a virtual tour at the University of Indonesia.


Since my killer music teacher at elementary school reduces my music ability to only play the recorder :-) my music hobby is limited to enjoying other's. I like instrumental music, especially the classics from the baroque era. Other than that, I also like happy, fast-paced orchestra and slow romantic music.


New kinds of food usually interests me. Although I don't like chili (hot) foods. Sometimes, when I had the time, I experiment with my own made-up recipe. It usually tastes good, although it's appearance often not as good.... Hey, when the food finally got into your stomach, there's no telling what it will look like; not to mention when it got out :-)


Aah... my favourite pastime when there's no place to go and nothing to do. In my dreams, I could do just about anything. Be a superstar, a billionaire, or simply just flying over town. It's a good stress releiver too.

Copyright © Sasmito Adibowo, 1997-2000.
Last update on April 4th, 2000.