Tear my heart out
With every breath
Pin me up with nine inch nails
Until I scream for death

Hatred drips off your face
And seeps into my pores
It flows like poison through my veins
And burns my soul to the core

Scratches adorn milky white skin
An attempt to sift through
The madness that consumes me
The madness, caused by you

Tear my heart out
With every breath
Pin me up with nine inch nails
Until I scream for death

This isn't a bad dream
It won't be gone in the morning
Don't pinch me, it won't help
This is only just the beginning

Tear my heart out
Pin me up with nine inch nails
Until I scream...

Rip me to pieces
I deserve every scar
I accept my fate
Why not just run me down with your car

Screaming fills my head
Until it's all I can hear
But I know I can't fight back
Even though it's the screaming I fear

Tear my heart out
Bleeding all over the bed
Pin me up with nine inch nails
Leave me there for dead

Nails pierce my skin
As if I was a doll
Brokin and despised
Thrown repeatedly against the wall

I'm so confused
Won't the screaming ever stop
I wish I could explode
Or fall from a 10 000 foot drop

You ripped my heart out
With mere words
Pinned me up as a punching bag
And I deserved everything I got

February 10, 2004

    Source: geocities.com/adrianfynch/Writing

               ( geocities.com/adrianfynch)