Window to my Life

If there was a window
Into my life
What would I see?
And what would others observe
If they looked into me?

Cigarrettes, coffee, dirty dishes
And dark clothes

Dusty photographs
Moments frozen in time

When Santa Clause asked me
What I wanted for Christmas,
I said
"I want everyone to have a best friend."

The ones that are closest to you
Can hurt you the most
But they are also the ones
That shouldn't try

It's funny how things work out
I wished friends for the world
And then a few days later
I lost mine

All alone
Want someone to take me home
But when I'm with them
I wish I was all alone

I put out
My last cigarrette of the day
And I wish there was another way
To say, "I love you"

Fragmented poetry
Half-forgotten dreams
It all comes out on the page
For no-one to read

If someone read all my journals
I wonder what they'd think of me
Would I be loved...hated
...or simply forgotten?

I'll follow you to the ends of the earth and back
If you could whisper those words to me again
And mean them from the bottom of your heart
Then I would survive on the sound of your breathing

She said to stop toying with her best friend's heart
But you didn't know I loved you
So how could you know you were ripping me apart?

March 6th, 2004

