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The AEGIS Discussion Archives
These are compilations of discussions collated from the aegis mailing lists. If you would like to join our mailing lists, contact our list managers.

The Toolkit
Tips, tricks, and ideas to use in your games.

Rambles, Rants, and Ravings
Excerpts taken from the private musings of the mad - or the enlightened. Seriously, these articles are the crystallization of many a late-night conversation or sudden flash of insight on gaming. We hope that they will be as useful to you as they have been to us.

The AEGIS Discussion Archives
These are compilations of discussions collated from the aegis mailing lists. If you would like to join our mailing lists, contact our list managers.

#001 What makes your ideal game system?
#002 My designs are inadequate and so are yours ...
#003 The nature of rpg's
#004 On being in character
#005 How do you evoke fear?
#006 Why did AD&D lose its charm?

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The Toolkit
Tips, tricks, and ideas to use in your games.

Tactics of the Wild
by Dariel Quiogue
If you've been running your wildlife encounters by the rulebooks, chances are you're missing a lot ...

An Analysis of Magic
by Dariel Quiogue
An attempt to categorize the various types of magic found in both RPGs and literature according to how each type draws or uses power.

Character Creation Methods
by Dariel Quiogue
Exploring the different means by which players come up with their character concepts.

An Inventory of Situations
by Adrian Martinez
Different situations place different requirements on the characters which they in turn try to meet using their abilities. It therefore useful to inventory the various situations ...

Encounter Formats
by Adrian Martinez
A notation-based approach to managing encounters for clarity in mood establishment and resolution.

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Rambles, Rants, and Ravings
Excerpts taken from the private musings of the mad - or the enlightened. Seriously, these articles are the crystallization of many a late-night conversation or sudden flash of insight on gaming. We hope that they will be as useful to you as they have been to us.

The Four Faces of the Role-Player
by Dariel Quiogue
Every gamer has four faces; Internalizer, Externalizer, Tactician, and Jester. Players create characters and play them according to how each prioritizes these faces.

Role-Playing Games as Collaborative Fiction
by Dariel Quiogue
RPG's are more than just games, but also works of collaborative fiction; if we realize that and make use of it, we can have better games.

On Expectations
by Dariel Quiogue
We come to a game carrying a set of expectations. If those expectations are met, we enjoy the game. But what happens when the GM's expectations are totally different from yours?

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Submission Guidelines
You may submit only original works. AEGIS can publish a previously published article only if you are the author and you have permission from the previous publisher(s) that it may be used here. The AEGIS webmasters will determine the article's suitabiltiy for publishing as well as its category.

Submit files only in RTF, TXT, or HTML format. Do not submit DOC files. All files preferably ZIPped to maintain file integrity. You may include pictures with your HTML but please resize the graphic appropriately.

Submit articles here.

Articles published on AEGISweb remain the property and opinions of their respective authors and do not represent the opinions of AEGIS as a group.