On earth your body weight on a scale is measured at one unit of gravitational force, or one G. This is measured in terms of the thrust of your body against the ground, in other words how much you are pulled towards the earth. When an elevator, car, or aeroplane accelerates, slows down, or changes direction, you may experience a slightly increased G-force. The occupants experience the effects of their body's resistance to the applied force. This happens in aerobatics, for example if the pilot is recovering from a dive and is pulling back on the stick the plane continues to turn but the pilot’s body wants to travel in a strait line, and therefore the pilot is pushed into the seat.


As the pull up is tightened, the G-forces increase, when the pilot reaches 2 Gs the pilot seems to be experiencing two times the gravity that is experienced while static on earth. A 70 kg person would weight two times their weight when experiencing 2 Gs or 140 kg, at 6 Gs, that same person weighs 420kg. This force isn’t a gravitational force but it feel like it, it is a centripetal force. A centripetal force is also the same force experienced in the hammer throw, as the weight spins faster the weight wants to continue out and not go around and it seems to get heavier and heavier.


G-Forces with a positive (+) number in front of them indicates that their direction is from head to foot. However, imagine being invert or up side down at the start of a dive, the pilot tends to be thrown upward and outward of the aircraft. The pilot may experience a sensation of weightlessness, and if the pilot were on scales the pilot would weigh less than their usual weight. This type of force is called negative (-) because there direction is from foot to head.




Pilots planing to participate in aerobatics should be aware of the physical stress of G-Forces during aerobatic manoeuvres. Many people undertake initial aerobatic training but find their first experiences with higher G forces can include airsickness, disorientation and discomfort. These effects are normal and natural, and with exposure and experience the manoeuvres will have less effects. Because humans adapt to imposed strains and stress, and with practice, manoeuvres will have less physiological effects. Tolerance to G forces is dependent on the individual pilots physiology and any pilot will lose consciousness if his or her physiological limitations are exceeded.




The main effect of G-Forces upon the body apart from the weight increase is the movement of blood about the body. The +G effects will drive blood toward the lower portions of the body, this will reducing the supply of blood from the heart and brain. The brain requires a continuous supply of freshly oxygenated blood for normal operation. The heart also struggles to supply oxygenated blood to the eyes and then this diminished blood flow to the head can lead to experience decreased visual acuity then uncoordinated muscular activity and decreased mental acuity as well as functions, and then unconsciousness. The later is the most dangerous of all of the effects and can end catastrophically. But any of the effects can be dangerous even a brief loss of mental performance during a manoeuvre can lead to inaccurate control movements which could cause structural failure of the aircraft, or could cause the pilot to be in capable of avoid a crash.




Knowing the G related symptoms can be valuable in teaching you limitations and avoiding a black out. The following +G affects are sometimes described as the following. Lighter G loading in the eyes of an aerobatic pilot is about 3 to 4 Gs or the grey out phase. There is a loss of visual acuity or and the start of the tunnel. The tunnel is the affect of inducing Gs and around the outside areas of your vision, it starts to go grey and if the Gs continue the greyness starts to move closer and closer in disenabling you to be able to see things that are right on the very side of your vision. If this continues the pilot could black out. The grayout phase can serve as a warning to the fact that there is a significant reduction of blood in the brain.


Larger G loading is about 5 to 6 Gs or the blackout phase. Vision can be barely there or completely lost this occurs when oxygen to the light sensitive cells the retinal is severely reduced. Some muscle functions and mental activities still function but there is a very high risk of unconsciousness because of the severe lack of blood to the brain.


Loss of consciousness occurs when the blood is reduced enough from the brain, and any pilot will lose consciousness if his or her physiological limitations are exceeded. The pilot will slump in his or her seat and their head will flop at the neck and can have jerking movements at the head and neck if he or she regains consciousness, (military pilots fondly call this the dead chicken). If the pilot isn’t properly restrained may fall against the controls and send the plane out of control.


In some US Navy and NASA centrifuge studies 50 percent of the pilots loss consciousness without having any of the warning symptoms. And some pilot’s lost and then re-gained consciousness without even realizing they had done so.


There for pilots can only partially rely on these warning effects, and have to rely a lot on what they know are their limitations.




Some people can withstand more Gs than others, but everyone has a limit, the limit varies widely among people but it usually corresponds with their general well being. It is difficult to predict how much Gs an individual can withstand because of the number of factors involved. It is very important for a pilot to know what tolerance to Gs, really is. Tolerance to Gs is related to the rate of onset of acceleration, how quickly the Gs are put on the pilot and the duration of exposure, how long they last for. Note that other physiological effects, effect individual tolerances.


Little was known about average G tolerances so the US Navy collected data from 1,000 naval aviators and aviation personnel through centrifuge tests. They applied an on set rate of +1 G per second or how quickly the Gs are put on the pilot and these were there results.


The average grey out was at 4.1 Gs but due to individual tolerances it was usually between 3.4 and 4.8 Gs, but the lowest was at 2.2 Gs and the highest was at 7.1 Gs.

The average blackout was at 4.7 Gs but it was usually between 3.9 and, 5.5 Gs but the lowest was at 2.7 Gs and the highest was at 7.8 Gs.


The average unconsciousness was at 5.4 Gs but it was usually between 4.5 and, 6.3 Gs but the lowest was at 3.0 Gs and the highest was at 8.4 Gs.


Seeing as the on set rate is +1 G per second then the G values in this research could be expressed in seconds. Example you may might expect a gray out at 4.1 seconds, blackout at 4.7 seconds, and unconsciousness at 5.4 seconds.


With this data you also need to take into account that there were naval pilots involved in these test and they have been through special training to improve their tolerance to Gs so the average tolerances in this data would probably be higher than an ordinary persons tolerance. But you also need to take into account that the act of piloting an aircraft can raise G tolerance and therefore the results of these centrifuge studies during which the subjects weren’t controlling the aircraft may not apply directly to flight. This increased tolerance is not so great though.


A series of further studies were conducted and one of them was into G induced loss of consciousness or G-LOC. And they found that once the pilot was unconscious the pilot would stay unconscious for an average of 15 seconds. When they re gained consciousness they were confused, disorientated and delirious for a further 5 to 15 seconds. Therefore if the pilot looses consciousness due to +G forces there will be a 20 to 30 second period where he or she wont be able to control the plane.




Military training and high tech equipment only increase the average G tolerance of pilots. Military pilots have developed ways to reduce the effects of +Gs. Positive Gs can be counteracted by pulling the head down between the shoulders, tensing abdominal, chest and leg muscles, closing the glottis by vocalising the word 'hook', and then exhaling slowly during the period of stress. The pilot tries to breath as he or she needs to, they don't hold their breath. Any muscle contractions that tighten the muscles of the trunk and legs will reduce the space available in the arteries for blood to pool into the lower parts of the body, therefore increasing the blood pressure to the brain and thus their tolerance to +Gs. But there is no method to counter the effects of -Gs.




Negative Gs are encountered when Gs are in a foot to head direction, such as obtained during inverted flight, or during an outside loop or pushover manoeuvre.


About -1 G produces an unpleasant congestion and stagnate of blood in the face and head. The pilot experiencing – Gs, will feel as if he or she were standing on their head. The – Gs will cause the blood and body organs to be displaced toward the head.


-2 to - 3 Gs will cause severe congestion of the face and blood vessels will causes a reddening or flushing of the facial skin, throbbing headache, and the pilot may also feal disorientation. It will also cause visual disturbances such as blurring, greying, or occasionally reddening of vision, and a feeling of heat. Blood vessels in the eyes will become wider or larger and nosebleed may occur. But severe discomfort is certain. The pilot’s lower eyelids may rise to cover the pilot's pupil during – Gs, causing the pilot to see only a red glow known as red-out. After exposure to –Gs there may be tiny haemorrhages in the skin and eyes and the pilot’s eyelids may be swollen.


The blood vessels in the brain can tolerate reasonable amounts of – Gs well, but the increased blood pressure in the chest and neck causes a slowing of the heart in all pilots. In some pilots there are intervals of several seconds between beats and after exposure to – Gs some people’s heart may beat irregularly. The slowing of the heart and varying beats can add to the stagnation of blood in the brain. Therefore the greatest threat from – Gs is the loss of consciousness from the slowing of the heart, caused by irregularities of the heartbeats, and stagnation of blood in the head.


Minus 5 G for 5 seconds is probably the upper limit of tolerance but aerobatic flying may demand that a pilot spend over half of his or her air time in inverted flight, and pulling – Gs. And there is no method to counter the effects of -Gs.




A snap manoeuvre is a very quick, rapid and jerking manoeuvre and the dangers is that the pilot may not have enough time to anticipate the different stages of high Gs and can put the pilot at risk of loosing consciousness. He or she may overstress the plane and doesn’t have enough time to reduce control inputs.




Going from + Gs to – Gs is called vice versa, and one of the important aspects of tolerance to Gs is the effect of rapid changes. In aerobatics such rapid changes are highly significant. When a pilot is subjected to - Gs, their blood pressure receptors in their head and chest respond to the increased pressure and cause a reflex slowing of the heart. A rapid change to + Gs would suddenly drop blood pressure in these receptors and there would be a rapid speeding up of the heart to maintain pressure; but because the reflex system requires some time to sense the change and the need, the heart is delayed in responding to this demand and the blood flow to the brain may suddenly drop. Therefore visa versa manoeuvres may be one of the most threatening all aerobatic manoeuvres. Because if the cardiovascular system isn’t capable enough to react to the rapid change from - Gs to + G there is a high chance G-LOC or G Induced Loss of consciousness may occur.




Little was known about how much was actually endured during a flight so NASA recorded data from four sequences during a world-class tournament and this is what they found. They recorded the amount of Gs that was endured and the time it was endured for this acted like a record of the pilots physiological stress. There data showed that a range of + 8 Gs to - 6 Gs can occur during an aerobatic competition. The study showed that in one of the flights the pilot experienced negative Gs about half of the total time spent in the performance and he spent approximately 10 percent of the time pulling + 2 Gs or more with highs at + 5.4 Gs. And 20 percent of the time he spent pulling negative Gs he was pulling - 3 Gs or more with lows to - 5.2 Gs. And in an outside 360-degree turn the pilot experienced – 2Gs or more for 32 seconds. In one manoeuvre over the span of 28 seconds the pilot experienced - 3.4, +2.3, - 3.5, +2.0, - 4.0, and +2.3. And some of these transitions were at 2.9 Gs per second. The outside/inside vertical 8 manoeuvre, (a visa versa) was physiologically the most demanding of all of the manoeuvres during the flight. The pilot experienced a - 5.2 Gs turn and then 5 seconds later pulled +5.0 G turn. This in total amounted to 10.2 Gs in 5 seconds, or over 2 Gs per second for 5 seconds. And even for the most G tolerant pilots these rapid changes from negative to positive Gs are particularly stressful.




Tolerance to G forces is dependent on human physiology and the individual pilot. Relevant factors include the pilot's anatomy, recency of exposure to G Forces and experience, the height of the person, age, elasticity of the blood vessels, physical training, the responses of the heart and blood vessels, health, general well being cardiovascular architecture, nervous system, the quality of the pilot's blood, general physical state. Lack of recent practise, illness, and poor physical condition all increase the possibility of loss of consciousness.


Frequent exposure to G stress may tune the human system, making it less sensitive to higher G loads.


A pilot’s physical condition doesn’t generally dictate their tolerance to G loads. In fact endurance running can actually reduce G tolerance and if an aerobatic pilot was developing an exercise program he or she would be better of doing resistance and strength training. Because it increases muscle mass and strength and this generally improves tolerance to G forces, so an exercise program which concentrates on muscle-building activities would appear to be the choice for a person performing aerobatics. But saying this it is also important for the pilot to have a good well-tuned cardiovascular system because it will allow them to recover more rapidly from stress.


If a pilot is used to flying in a costal region and then undertakes the same aerobatics in a region of higher altitudes the pilot will have a lower tolerance to Gs. The oxygen content in the blood is lowered by exposure to the higher altitude, and the oxygen supply to the brain might be reduced to critical levels during +G loading. And this will reduce the pilots G tolerance.


Anything that reduces blood volume or cardiovascular response may reduce G tolerance. Such as dehydration, excessive sweating, severe sunburn, low blood pressure, blood donations, prolonged standing or sitting, hypoxia, infections and minor illnesses, and some medications all lower G tolerance. Alcohol and hangovers will reduce the pilot’s ability to perform safe and satisfying aerobatic manoeuvres.


If a pilot has a low blood sugar level it can make he or she very sensitive to G loading. It can also make the pilot feel unwell, and will reduce their physical and mental performance. Adequate exercise and an appropriate diet will maintain the blood sugar at normal levels. The pilot should avoid eating high carbohydrate meals before aerobatics because the blood sugar will fall in about an hour, sometimes quicker. He or she should eat well balanced, light meals before flying but not a large meal because it could cause pooling of the blood in the digestive tract and decrease G tolerance by reducing the amount of blood available for general circulation.




Passengers are particularly vulnerable to disorientation and there is the high incidence of passenger motion sickness during aerobatics. This is because the passengers are not as able as the pilot flying to anticipate the movement and handling of the aircraft. Another factor is the seating position; people seem to do better in the front seat of an aircraft than in the rear.