First Tractor Prototype.........
The fist attempt at a tractor type autogiro took place on a farm in Manchester, Tennessee....
All the main structural components were aircraft grade quality materials,but, way down in the hills of Tennessee didn't offer to much opportunity for skin material, uless i wanted to drive north to Nashville or south to Chattanooga.....
However, I did find a supplier that would suit my was a "Cash for Cans" aluminum buyer that had sheets and sheets of .025 well as aluminum angles and bar stock from the Air Force Base nearby.....
All of the designing I did on this prototype actually helped in the final construction of my single place Zephyr...
You find out real quick ,what will fit and what won't...and with the availability of the aluminum at 35 cents a pound, I could afford to make mistakes and correct them on the structure as well as the drawings...
All-in-all, it was a true test of how to design ,(and how NOT to design), and aircraft.............