Site Map

If you can't use the drop down menu, this is the place to look to navigate the site. If you can't use it, email me, telling me what browser type (eg Internet Explorer 6) you're using, so if many people can't use it, I can think of another way of navigation. Thanks!

Home The first page

Poetry A selection of poetry by your genial host...

Humour We all need a laugh sometimes. A collection of funny things from the net.

Recipes Some short, quick and easy to make recipes for savoury and sweet dishes that I've made in the past.

Religion My thoughts on religion, from the perspective of an ex-Christian sort of not sure what I am yet person.

Miscellaneous stuff Things that wouldn't fit, my thoughts on current events, politics, TV, whatever.

Website Building Tips Things to help you build your website, a meta-tag generator, drop-down menu generator, advice and links.

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Links to my favourite sites on the net. I'm happy to reciprocal link with you!

Webrings Places to surf similar sites.

The Spiritual Searcher Webring This is the webring I own, for people like me. Instructions for joining, and bits and pieces, are contained on this page.

Awards Won People who have honoured me.

Email me


© Aeron McCarthy, 2002