Welcome to Katie's Webpage.  Devoted to a very special Beagle!
Katie's Birthday is on or about 7/15/98 and pretty much runs the house!  She weighs just over 18 pounds.  She's a tri-color purebred 13 inch Beagle who has been spayed.
Here are a few examples of how Katie likes to get comfortable.
How do you say no to this face?
Katie has a way of inventing her own games.  This one is called "Catch me if you can!"
Of course here Katie is playing "Hide and Seek."
My husband Joe and I decided to get a pet in October of 1998.  I must admit, I  wasn't the most supportive in this arena as I didn't particularly want a pet.  My husband on the other hand definitely thought a dog could be a special pal for him.  Of course Katie has such a terrific personality she quickly won me over.

Katie does some special tricks and is learning more everyday.  She loves ice-cubes.  She gives kisses and hugs on demand.  I'm trying to teach her some commands in spanish and as long as the reward is appropriate, food, she'll do almost anything.  Katie graduated from obedience school much to the surprise of the instructor and I must admit us too.  She had to learn to sit, down, come, stay and long stay.  In our class long stay meant she had to sit and I would walk away.  While I was 20 or so feet away she had to stay for 5 minutes.

Katie is very stubborn and expects immediate attention to her wishes.  When she is hungry or thirsty she kicks the bowl of choice.  If you don't respond immediately she gives it another kick.  If you still haven't responded she gives a loud "arrooo."  If this doesn't get you to perform the desired activity she comes to you and gives you a look that says "feed me/give me water NOW" and she gives another loud "arrooo."
You can see Katie in a serious mood by clicking below.
Katie is sending a Holiday card to everyone.  Click on the button below to check it out.
To see some pictures from Katie's puppyhood click the arrow below.  Be careful, you may have to get a Beagle puppy after seeing these.