The Aftermath...
Surviving Sexual Assault

I have created this page in the hopes of educating people on the aftermath of a sexual assault. I have chosen the title "The Aftermath" because I liken an assault much like a storm, after the storm passes there is much debris to pick up. It is not an easy task picking up the pieces and making it look like it did before. I believe it will never be the same as before; there will always be evidence of the storm.

Sexual Assault seems to be happening more and more; so it is possible that you are either a victim yourself or you know someone who was victimized. This page is designed to help you understand the aftermath, what the survivor is feeling and how you can help ease the effects of the aftermath of an assault.

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Many thanks to "The Central Minnnesota Sexual Assault Center" for their caring support.

Disclaimer: This page is for informational purposes only. If you or a loved one have been involved in a sexual assault please contact the proper authorities in your area for the assistance that you need.

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