To download and install SB (Shabda-Brahma ET-Feel Word-Storm Processor) v5.9.1, an end-user must agree to its End-User License Agreement (EULA). Below, in the next to next section, is provided the full text of that EULA: if you are an prospective end-user please take care to go through it. 

Click here to download SB v5.9.1 inclusive of Visual FoxPro 6 Runtime (packaged as a win-zipped file of size 4.22 MB: if you do not already have a zip utility, may visit



          For anyone having a volume of tedious text to type, Shabda-Brahma ET-Feel Word-Storm Processor (SB) v5.9.1, the auto-suggesting, auto-typing, intelligent text-processor will be of great use for typing in the fundamental, skeletal text material into the computer. Whenever the user types the first few (two or more) letters of a long word or a familiar phrase/ clause, Shabda-Brahma tries to guess the intended word/ phrase etc. in a novel, intelligent way and displays that auto-suggestion (2 possible alternatives) on the screen. In case of correct guessing, the user needs to just press the Insert key (Alt key for the 2nd alternative) to get that auto-suggestion auto-typed (otherwise, Ctrl+Insert may be pressed to choose the exactly desired one). Newer auto-suggestions are even automatically learnt from the user's written texts, so that SB becomes more and more useful & relevant to the owner (user) with the passage of time (to know in details, click here). In addition, one may also use one's own pre-defined 3-Key Abbreviations (e.g. F2Aw, F4qa etc., each of which starts with a function key) to auto-type definite words or phrases etc. In  addition to English and any other European/ East-Asian fonts, SB can even type in Assamese/ Bengali, Hindi/ Marathi/ Nepali or in any other South-Asian fonts (involving conjunct consonants), in a similarly fast and even more convenient manner. Furthermore, all these activities could be done in at most 20 different ways, by defining up to 20 user-entities with different personalities (such as basic, poet, essayist etc.). Please don't be mistaken: Shabda-Brahma isn't, however, meant for printing or for producing the final text with fine formatting features such as bold, italic, differently sized or colored  fonts etc., and so it must refer the printing or any fine formatting work to some other popular word-processor e.g., Microsoft Word, WordPad, 602Text, FrontPage, PageMaker etc. SB is able to refer its text-output to such other word-processors extremely easily, with just a single mouse-click. SB v5.9x introduced and by now has refined SB-ASTS (Shabda-Brahma ET-Feel Auto-Saved Text-Slates), the file-less save-free infinite-number free-slates twin-born variant of SB, which is even more easier to operate and work with. For further details about SB and its twin variant SB-ASTS, visit the help-manual on the web, Without undergoing an authentication process involving a key floppy diskette (SB-KFD), the v5.9+ twin-software installed from the internet works as a Free 33-Line Variety allowing one to type only 33 lines per file or per slate (equivalent to half a page of single-spaced typed text in Word) and to open at most 3 files per session in SB (to authenticate SB v5.9+, contact the vendor firm).

SB Exhaustive-Help    SB-ASTS Additional Help    SB Home @ the Web    SB Help-Centre


(The Superfast Text-Processor)

Note: At present, there is warranty towards only ONE re-authentication for Full SB5!

Please read the terms and conditions of this End-User License Agreement carefully before installing and using the text-processor. Eastern Star Software (the one with its office presently at Surjyamukhi, Gandhi Mandap Road (Lower), Guwahati - 781007, Assam, India) and/ or its subsidiaries (to be henceforth called 'Eastern Star') is willing to license this text-processor software to you as the individual, the company or the legal entity (to be henceforth called 'You') only on the condition that You accept all the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. By typing 'Yes' and pressing Enter to the question about its acceptance that follows, You will be considered to have accepted this Agreement in full. If You do not agree to any of its terms, type 'No' to that question during authentication and return the authenticator key floppy diskette (KFD) to Eastern Star, so that the authenticator key diskette may be sold & licensed to another willing user - in which case You will be entitled to a refund of 80% of the retail price. If You accept the Agreement, You will be supposed to have accepted it not only in letters but also in spirit.

The text-processor software that accompanies this license (to be called "Software") is the property of Eastern Star and/or a third party, and is protected by Indian copyright laws as well as the international treaties. While Eastern Star and/or the third party continues to own the Software, You will also have some rights to use the Software after Your acceptance of this license. This license governs any releases, revisions, or enhancements to the Software that Eastern Star may furnish to You. The terms and conditions that You become bound to after Your acceptance of this License Agreement about the use of this Software are as follows:

1. You must not, in any circumstances whatsoever, keep any copy of the authenticating data in the floppy diskette (or zip diskette etc.) that leads to the authentication of the installed Software. You may use the authenticating floppy diskette or any other authenticating media only after the post-installation authentication process is duly over. In case of any hard-disk failure, You may contact Eastern Star for a re-authentication of the Software.
At present, however, there is warranty provision for only ONE re-authentication (for any one time in the future), with an additional payment either (i) of Indian Rupees 80/- to be made to the ESS Installation Expert (IE), if an ESS IE is involved in the process or (ii) only the actual postage charge borne by ESS for sending the SB-KFD by post, in case the SB-KFD was sent by post.

2. To use the authenticated Software (Full, in contrast to the Free Software) in more than one computer, You must have a separate licensed authentication into each of these computers.

3. You may use the authenticated (Full) Software on a network of computers if and only if every computer of the network contain a licensed copy of the Full Software. Otherwise, You must not allow the authenticated Software to be accessed over a network. In particular, you must never allow the authenticated Software to be accessed over the internet.

4. You must not copy, or allow others to copy, the Software or any part of it into any other computer and/or into any media whatsoever.

5. You must not also copy or publish the textual materials that accompanies the Software, in any electronic or non-electronic form. The copyright for the textual materials also rests with Eastern Star and/or the developer.

6. You must not sublicense, rent or lease the Software or any portion of it, except in the same computer in which this copy was installed and authenticated. You must not also reverse engineer, de-compile, disassemble, modify, translate, make any attempt to discover the source code of the Software or the secret code that prevents its unauthorized distribution. You must not create and/or distribute any derivative work(s) from the Software, except the ones permitted as per paragraph 67 of the help file (file named SB_Tutor.htm in the installed Software).

7. In particular, You must protect the sanctity of the secret code that prevents the unauthorized distribution of the authenticated Software. You must make no attempt to unravel this secret, and even if You accidentally do so, You must not disclose the same to anybody else other than Eastern Star.

8. In no event will Eastern Star or its licensors be liable to You for any special, consequential, indirect or any similar damages, including but not limited to any loss of profit and/or loss of data, arising out of the use or inability to use the Software, even if Eastern Star has been warned of the possibility of such damages. Only in case of any unavoidable inability to properly use this Software by an state of the art computer operator even within the warranty period so as to make this Software to be termed unusable, Eastern Star may be liable only as not being able to provide the service that it promised, but even in such cases the liability of Eastern Star or its licensors will never exceed the purchase price of this Software.

9. This Agreement is supposed to be the entire Agreement between You and Eastern Star relating to the Software that supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals and representations about it between these two parties, and prevails over any conflicting or additional terms of any quote, order, acknowledgment or similar communications between the parties. As an exception to this, this Agreement may only be modified by a License Certificate that was signed by both You and Eastern Star.