Evan Rachel Wood

"Well, I was basically born into it."

Evan Rachel on her choice of career.

Evan Rachel Wood was born in Raleigh, North Carolina 1987. Her birthday is the seventh of September. She and her two brothers, Ira and Dana, grew up around the theater circles, as their parents ran a theater company in Raleigh. Sometimes the children performed in the productions, and Evan Rachel participated in her first acting role at the age of four. Her father owns and runs "Theater In The Park" in Raleigh, her mother Sara acts and directs.

Evan Rachel's first career disappointment came at the age of five: she lost the role of Claudia in "Interview With The Vampire" (1994) to Kirsten Dunst. Nevertheless it was just a minor setback, and she has gone off to be seen in the series "American Gothic" and "Touched By An Angel" among others. Her film credits include "Practical Magic" with Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock and "Digging To China" with Kevin Bacon.

Of her path to a career in acting, she explains: "Well, I was basically born into it. My mother was an actress and my dad runs a theater, so I just grew up watching my parents act and my friends and family act. Once I started doing plays in my father's theater, I just fell in love with it. By kindergarten I just knew that it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life!"

Evan Rachel played Chloe in four third season and in two fourth season episodes, after which the idiot producers of the show got rid of Sam and Chloe. So it was time for her to move on other series. She starred in the ABC hit show "Once And Again" for three years. In the series Evan Rachel portrayed Jessie Sammler, Rick's (Billy Campbell) daughter.

Nowadays good friends with Frankie Muniz, in childhood they used to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. She's known him since she was six years old, and this boyfriend/girlfriend business was an innocent childhood thing. Evan Rachel considers Jay Morh to be the funniest co-star she's had the pleasure of knowing. She stars with him in the upcoming "Simone" movie. She would love to act with Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro, and Jodie Foster, who is her role model.

She lives now in Los Angeles. When she is not studying acting, she enjoys swimming, rollerblading and horseback riding. Evan Rachel is trained in singing, which is her second love in life. In fact, she professes that if she weren't an actress, she would probably be a singer. She has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and her pets include three dogs and a hamster.

ABC "Once And Again" bio
The Evan Rachel Wood Fan Site
TV Guide interview
Internet chat with Evan Rachel Wood

ABC "Once And Again" site (don't sue me!)

The Official Evan Rachel Wood Site
Once And Again

| Actors | Dennis Christopher | Robert Davi | Peter Frechette | Erica Gimpel | Traci Lords | Roma Maffia | Sheik Mahmud-Bey | A Martinez | Heather McComb | Julian McMahon | Caitlin Wachs | Ally Walker | Michael Whaley | Evan Rachel Wood |