Alamo Rocketeers
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See the launch calendar for the date and time of our next launch.
 New rocketeers, visitors and children are always welcome.  There are no launch fees or membership requirements. Plenty of free parking. Don't forget to bring plenty of water and sun block! 

Previous Launches
2007 Austin Maker Faire October 20 & 21, 2007 Photos by Art Applewhite & Dave Hein
2007 Cornfield Classic ROTC Rocket Meet at Medinal Valley High School October 13, 2007 Photo by Art Applewhite
Model Rocket Launch Report for Gillespie Farms - March 10, 2007
Colonies North Elementary School Outreach Demonstration - Dec 1, 2005 - Photo Album
LMR Launch Report for Gillespie Farms - July 23, 2005 - Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Farms - June 18, 2005 - Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Farms - May 14, 2005 - Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Farms - April 9, 2005 - Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Farms - March 19, 2005
Launch Report for Gillespie Farms - March 12, 2005, Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Farms - February 12, 2005, Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Farms - January 15, 2005, Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Farms - October 16, 2004, Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Farms - August 21, 2004, Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Ranch - July 17, 2004, Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Ranch - June 19, 2004, Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Ranch - May 22, 2004
Amazing Skies at the Witte Mesuem - May 1, 2004
Launch Report for Gillespie Ranch - April 17, 2004, Photo Album
Launch Report for Gillespie Ranch - March 20, 2004
Report for Gillespie Ranch Launch Feb 21, 2004
Report for Gillespie Ranch Launch, Jan 31, 2004
Art Applewhite's Texas Launch Calendar