Quantum Life

Among the known, Main Sequence orders of sapient life, Quantum forms are the most numerous.  However, O-2 communication with Quantum life-forms remains even more problematic than communication with H-2 life-forms.  Furthermore, the huge difference in habitat between other Main Sequence sapient life and Quantum civilization, combined with huge communication barriers, insures that there is very little commerce between Quantum civilization and other main-sequence species.  In addition, the basic "biology" of Quantum sapience is poorly understood by O-2 civilization at the present time.  (See also, Quantum civilization, Inter-order commerce, inter-Order communication.) (1)

Yes, this is a cop-out.  It means that I have no good idea about what D.Brin (or T. Robinson) mean by "Quantum Sentience," nor do I have a clue about how a "quantum intelligence" might work.  Except --perhaps --for a quantum computer.  But as far as I'm concerned that would just be another way to build a machine intelligence (or the substrate for a virtual intelligence), and needn't rate its own category.  However, here is some speculation on quantum life.

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