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This week on Gilmore Girls: 'We Got Us a Pippi Virgin'

6/23/05 (Megan)
I guess the secret to actually keeping the site up this time would be to regularly stop being lazy and update. So, here I am. New quote of the week. Happy birthday to Tina, even though it was yesterday. And I've made a lot of fan art in the past week. Cursed (Milo Ventimiglia) came out on DVD this past Tuesday. About 3 months until Season 6 starts. So, I guess that's all the updates I have for you today.

6/12/05 (Megan)
After almost a year, I decided it was time for this site to be updated, and what's better for a big come-back that a fresh new look?  We have some new things, and everything is up and running.
Here's a breakdown of the new organization:
Home-click on this week's episode title to go to; quote of the week is selected by Tina and me, click to see quotes from previous weeks; and of course a new banner with screen caps from season 5
Reviews-a whole new section of reviews; my reviews of episodes as I watch them a second time; reviews of DVD features; and reviews of other shows/movies featuring cast members of Gilmore Girls; also, feel free to submit your own reviews, and we will post them
Fan Art-AIM Buddy Icons; avatars; banners; wallpapers; videos; and submit your own
Fan Fiction-a collection of fan fiction by Tina; me; and anyone who wants to submit their own
Misc-profiles; information about celebrations that I will be providing--currently: Literati Valentine's Day and Gnome Day
Links-basic links to sites that we recommend; we'll add yours if you want

Quote of the Week: (In honor of Tina's birthday!!)
RORY: There's something very strange about hacking into my own head.