Welcome to

Wayne Alton Ragsdale (Al) Genealogy

'Obituary of Rev.Albert Abner Ragsdale(Brother Al)

My email address and links to my RAGSDALE and SPEARS,SHEPPARD GEDCOM's,
photos,and research documents are at the bottom of
this page.

Family surnames I have researched:


Findley family notes:
Updated October 5,2006:

Joseph Joel Findley b.1792 Tn* or Pa d.1842 Tn (birth year is 
according to his gravestone at McNairy County,Enville,Tn)
* Tn did not become a state until 1796
I have never found proof that he is the son of Joseph Lewis 
Findley (b.1753 Pa d.1839 Adams,Ohio). This Joseph Lewis 
Findley had a son named Joseph Lewis Findley b.1793 according 
to the book 'The Clan Finley' by Harold Stout.
Nothing further is shown.
My original thinking was that the name Joel came from Joe(for 
Joseph)+L.(for Lewis).But it appears that the name Joel is far
more common (in Pa and Tn) than I had thought in 1995. A search
on ancestry.com census records reveals this.However, Joel 
Findley is shown as Joseph in 1820 Lincoln,Tn then as Joel in 
1830 and 1840. Another Findley descendant was shown as Joseph 
and Joel in Tn and Ark. So the names could just be 
interchangeable, like Jack and John.
The Susan Blair b.1798 Bedford,Pa had parents named Brice and 
Nancy (McCoy)Blair.
Joel and Susan Findley named a son Brice. That Brice named a 
daughter Nancy. 
Joseph Lewis(b.1753 Pa) and Jean(Blair) Finley had a daughter 
named Nancy also. 
The name Brice is much more common than I had thought, in Tn 
and Pa. 
An ancestry.com search as above shows this. There were also 
several Blair families in Tn in 1820 in Lincoln Co. Only two 
Blair families are in 1810 in Rutherford Co,Tn. There are no 
Finley or Findley families in 1810 but the census for Tn only 
shows two townships in Rutherford Co.
The 1850 Tn and 1860 Ark census shows Susan Blair Findley was 
born in Tn. All the 1880 Census records of her children say she
and Joel were born in Tn not Pa.
I know this is subject to who gave the info to the census 
taker, but it bothers me that not one ever said Pa. 
An article about Joel Findley in the Pope Co,Ark history by 
Mrs.Reese Bowden(Lucille Findley?) says he was from Lincoln Co,
Penn. There is no Lincoln Co,Penn so did they make a typo, or 
did someone have this info? I have never been able
to find out.
Other than my reasons above about Joseph Lewis Findley of Pa, 
I have never seen any other info. Another descendant of his son
John D.C.Blair (of Ky)told me no one had ever found a Tn 
connection to the Pa or Ohio Finley's.
My grandmother's second cousin John W.Findley of Batesville,Ark
researched this line from the 1970's until his death in 1991. 
He never found who Joel's parents were but thought that they 
were from Va. Joseph Joel and John W.Findley (b.1797 Va) were 
next to each other in the 1820 and 1830 Tn census. The name 
John  W. was used by several of Joel's descendants and Joel was
used in John W.'s. John W. (Batesville) thought that Joel and 
John W.were brothers but could never prove it. 

Note added Mar 2006:
In one of his letters to Mae Findley, John W.Findley wrote:
....one family came to America in 1720 the other 1734 and 
members of both families were in Augusta Co,Va at the same time
and both families used the same usual family names,Robert,John,
James and Samuel, every family had sons by these names. I am 
trying now to connect us with James and Elizabeth Patterson 
Findley both born and married in Ireland had six children one 
son John Findley married Thankful Doak had son John Findley,Jr 
married Mary Caldwelland had son James Findley born 1745 in 
Augusta Co,Va married Keziah Martin and had sons James,
Robert,Samuel, and Travis and I believe Joel my great 
grandfather to be son of one of these boys Joel born 1792 and I
have a direct line from Joel to the present. Joel had son whose
name was Martin Findley this was my grandfather....

My comments: I have since then found info in 'The Clan Finley'
that these sons were either too young or moved elsewhere than 
Tenn but they also may have had a son John Findley born 1770 
Augusta Co,Va, married in 1791Katherine Walker (born 1770 also 
in Augusta Co,Va), unknown where. He died in Davidson Co,
Nashville,Tn in 1838. 
I have not been able to get a response from the person who 
provided this info. 
I have also been unable to find anything else at the Tenn 
Archives in Nashville..... yet. Maybe some day???

Al Ragsdale

I recently researched all the Westmoreland Co,Pa indexed 
microfilms I could find at the Pa Archives, hoping to find 
mention of Joseph Lewis Finley (the son b.1792). I also 
researched all the cemetery and marriage and other
books I could find at the Pa State Library. No mention of 
Joseph Lewis Finley.
The 1800 Census lists only 108 Finley and 37 Findley families. 
The majority were in NC and Pa. This census does not include Tn
or Va.
The 1790 Census lists only 54 Finley and 33 Findley families, 
again with the majority in NC and Pa. This census also did not 
include Tn (statehood was 1796) or Va (statehood 1788).
My questions:
If Joseph Joel Findley was born in Tn, who are his parents? And
If Susan Blair was born in Tn, who are her parents? And 
If Joseph Joel and Susan were married in Tn, where? 
If they were born in Pa, how did they end up in Tn?
I hope to go to the Nashville,Tn State Library & Archives and 
Lincoln County,Tn Library soon and then maybe Ohio and Va 
I personally do not have any problem with anyone showing any 
connections to people but others have questioned my logic on 
assuming this connection. I have dropped it from my personal 
GED and tried to note it to all the websites I can do so on.
Thank you.

Al Ragsdale
May 25,2005
August 7,2006 Update:

Gmail 	Wayne Ragsdale 
Joel Finley Genealogy and Comment
2 messages
Bryce D. Blair  	Wed, Aug 2, 2006 
at 9:03 AM
To: Wayne Ragsdale 
Hi Wayne,
I am Bryce D. Blair, of Medina, OH, and am directly related to 
the Brice (II)Blair & Nancy "Agnes" McCoy you have mentioned in
at least two informative
postings on Rootsweb boards (dated: 20 Apr 05 and 23 May 05).  
I have spent the last 25 years researching my Blair line which 
has been proven back to Brice's father, Brice (I) Blair, 
b.ca.1720 in the North of Ireland & his second wife, Susannah 
(unknown).  I have published a book (in 2000) on his history 
and descendants called, The Bean's Cove Blair Clan Genealogy.
The reason I am writing is to comment on your reference to his 
daughter, Susan Blair (b.1798 in Bedford Co, PA) in both 
postings.  I have seen other references to her on the Internet 
as well.  The truth is that Brice (he is also my namesake)had 
two daughters they named Susannah, probably named after their 
grandmother. However, both died young according to the family 
tradition and an Orphan's court record.  I also have a copy of 
the old Brice (II) Blair Family Bible giving the birth dates of
all in that family group.  The first Susannah was born on 
11 Jul 1790 in Southampton Twp, Bedford Co, PA and the other on 
11 Jul 1798 in the same place.  There were no death records 
kept in Bedford Co.at the time so I only have the old Bible 
record and an Orphan's Court record on his minor children 
shortly after he died, intestate, on 26 Oct 1813 in Bedford
Co, PA.  According to the law of the time, the County's 
Orphan's Court was required to appoint a legal, male guardian 
for fatherless children under the age of sixteen and approve 
the selection of a guardian for those sixteen to twenty one.  
The second Susannah would have been 15 years old at the time 
had she lived.  She is not mentioned in the court record where
as all the others are. I do not have a death date for either 
Susannah but their grandmother died on 14 Feb 1819 
(68 years old).
Sometime before I got into my research, someone filed some data
with the LDS on Brice (II)'s family, possible based on another
copy of the old Blair Bible record and the LDS just transferred
it to the IGI without checking further, creating them is 
information used by others.
I certainly don't mean to "rain on anyone else's parade" but I 
thought you might be interested in what information I have on 
the subject and will be very interested in your comments.  
Incidentally, the Family of Blair is very large and well 
represented,even today, through out the USA, the UK and the 
British Commonwealth.  I am also part of the Blair Society for 
Genealogical Research,see www.blairsociety.org for more details.
I very much hope this e-mail gets through to you and hope to 
hear from you soon and hope your Finley/Findley
research is going well.
Bryce D. Blair
Wayne Ragsdale  	Wed, Aug 2, 2006 at 
10:20 AM
Reply-To: alragsdale@gmail.com
To: "Bryce D. Blair" 
Hello Bryce,
Thank you very much for the info. I no longer show the Susan 
Blair to Brice Blair or Joseph Joel Finley to Joseph Lewis 
Finley connections in my GED. I have also tried to find every 
web site that shows this and show corrections and also 
email the submitters.
I wish there was a way to correct the LDS info or at least add 
a note giving the reasons for why we showed a connection.I have
no problem with you correcting any web site that you find. I 
appreciate it. I would also like for you to let me know.

Al Ragsdale
End Findley family updated notes October 5,2006

The following is not a complete family name list. This is a 
brief listing of the generations of families that I have 

My email address is 

Benjamin RAGSDALE(1759 Chatham,NC)m.Martha BROWN
William RAGSDALE(1782 NC) m. Pamelia 
MILAM(1795 Tn or NC)
Benjamin M.RAGSDALE(1824 Hickman,Tn) m.Caroline 
STOVALL (1829 Tn)
John Benjamin RAGSDALE(1852 Johnson,Ar)
m.Nancy Ann UNDERWOOD(1854 Benton,Ar)
Thomas James RAGSDALE(1880 Ar)m.Clara Lee BARNES
(1887,Talladega,Al)(married 1903 Brushy,Indian Territory)
*Albert Abner RAGSDALE(1913 Sequoyah,Ok)m.Sybil Naomi
 FINDLEY(1921 Russellville,Ar)
*Born near "Tater Hill" (Potato Knob)about 11 mi
southwest Of Sallisaw,near Sadie.
Clara Lee Barnes Ragsdale m.James Tom W.POTTS 1918 Faulkner 

Susan Annie SHEPPARD or SPEARS(1851 or 1853 Randolph,Al)
m.William H.(WELLS) BARNES(1857 Al)
may be related to:
*Messer SPEARS (1790 SC or NC)d.1876 Leesville,Clay,Al
       m.Elizabeth DODDS(1785 SC or NC)d.~1854 Al
       m.Ellen BARNES in Heard Co,Ga in 1856
Joshua SPEARS (1814 Ga)m.Mary "Polly" MITCHUM(1810 SC)
Daniel SPEARS(1810 Ga)m.Mary WATWOOD(1814 Ga/SC)
William SPEARS(1811 Ga)m.Rachael(1814 Ga)
Joshua J.SPEARS(was in Randolph Co,Al in 1840)
Daniel J.SPEARS(1843 Al)m.Mary Jane TOMLIN
Jefferson Taylor SPEARS(1872 Randolph,Al)m.Kadora 
Elizabeth PIERCE(1875 Polk,Ar)
*Sometimes spelled Mercer

$ Jeremiah SHEPPARD(1800 NC or SC)
     m._____ (mother of John F.SHEPPARD?)(1835 Ga/NC)
    $ m.Jane _____(1810 SC)possible wife of Daniel J.SPEARS 
      who may have died in Randolph Co,Al about 1848
      m.Jessy Jane______(1815-1820 Ga or SC)
    $Possibly father and mother of Susan Annie
Possible children of Jeremiah&Jessy Jane:
Millard F.SHEPPARD(1858 Al)m.________
 children:William R.,Thomas J.m.Hattie,Betty m.J.D.McINVALE,
 Hettie M. m.HURST
 (Millard was a Baptist minister in 
Ellisville/Moselle,Ms d.Aug 15,1927-
was a half-brother of Susann )
Andrew J.SHEPPARD(1855 Al)m.Delilah________
(another half-brother of Susann?)

*Note: Jeremiah's wife Jane in 1850 Randolph,Al
 may have been  Jane (WATWOOD???)Spears,possible wife of
 Joshua J./Daniel J.Spears until abt 1848 and Susan's mother,
making her maiden name SHEPPARD and not SPEARS.

John W.BARNES(1829 SC or NC)m. Jemima (1835 Al)
William H.( WELLS) BARNES(1858 Al)
       m. Susann SPEARS/SHEPPARD(1851- 1853 Randolph,Al)
(William was a WELLS and was taken in by the BARNES
family in Ga or Al,unknown when)
WELLS 1850 to 1860 Ga or Al

Malachi UNDERWOOD(bet 1814-1818 Green,Ky)m.Louisa
 *TRAMULLE/TRAMMELL HENDERSON(bet 1818-1826 Illinois)
   *LDS Family info of daughter Nancy Ann UNDERWOOD RAGSDALE 
	 says Lueliza TRAMULLE and Malachi's Union CW pension appl 
	 says Louisa HENDERSON. Nancy's Tx death record (El Paso 1936)
	 says CAMPBELL(rhymes with TRAMMELL. The informant (her 
	 brother-in-law) was very hard of hearing according to a 
	 grand-daughter Nelda FARRIS LAWRENCE of El Paso 
   then Az(2001)
   Aug 2001 Letter from Dorothy Roberts Tucker,Delaware,Ark
   "...I remembered hearing Grandma Mary Jane and her sister 
	 Aunt Tennessee talking about their mother marrying a man 
	 named Henderson and they didn't get to live together but a 
	 short time he was killed in a hunting [accident]."

Another letter from her:
"Malachi's mother may have been a BOX of Indian ancestry. Louisa's
mother and baby brother are buried in the Indian Cemetary on River 
Mtn Rd (Vernon Mtn)(near Mary Jane Underwood Roberts homestead 
property) in Delaware,Logan Co,Ark. Others buried there 
(36 or 37 total) are VERNON/BOX/HENDERSON of Indian ancestry."
An archeological dig was begun there in 2000 or 2001.

9/13/98 Email from Melvin BOX mbox@redriverok.com
..."I also found information in 'History of Searcy Co,Ark' that
 stated that Meredith BOX was of Cherokee descent"

May be related to:
James UNDERWOOD in Green,Ky in 1810-1820
James UNDERWOOD in Madison,Mo in 1830,Johnson,Ar
 in 1840-not found in a later census
William in 1810-1820 Green,Ky and 1830 Madison,Mo
William B. in 1840 Scott Co,Ark
William Berry UNDERWOOD(1826 Green,Ky)
m.Julia Burnham(1828 Mo)
Reuben UNDERWOOD(bet 1817-1823 Ky)m.Sarah(1825 SC)
Gideon UNDERWOOD(1823 Ky)m.Mary(1828 Ky)
William UNDERWOOD(1808 Ky-was in Yell,Ar in 1860
m.Malissa BROWN(1807 Tn)
Isarias/Ezerias/Azzariah UNDERWOOD(1798 NC)
m.Lucy SKAGGS(1795 Ky)

 Nov 2001 Notes on Malachi's parents
I have recently received a copy of an 1880 Yell Co,Ark pension 
application of Jemima Underwood, widow of Robert F.Underwood of 
Johnson and Logan Co,Ark. An affadavit in it states that Malachi
 Underwood was his brother. I believe this Robert F.Underwood 
is the one (age 10 born Ark) in the 1850 Johnson Co,Ark census
 with Ceria age 51,born NC. There are also siblings Leonard G.
 age 27 b.KY, Elizabeth age 14 b.Mo,and Cynthia Ann age 16 b.Mo.
From this it would appear that Ceria is Malachi's mother also. 
Another descendant in Logan Co,Ark says a sister told her that 
Malachi's mother was a BOX and was Indian.In the 1880 census 
Malachi gave his father & mother's birthplace as NC.
Malachi married Louisa TRAMMELL HENDERSON in 1846 in Scott Co,Ark.
I can't find them anywhere in 1850.They were in Johnson Co,Ark in
 1860-1870 and Logan Co,Ark 1880.
Still looking for Malachi's father. The only family in the 1840
 Scott Co,Ark and 1830 Madison Co,Mo with wife and children 
 that 'fit' closely to the ages of Ceria,Malachi,Leonard G. ,
 Elizabeth,Cynthia Ann, and Robert F. is a William B.Underwood.
 He does not appear in
 an 1820 census or later than 1840. Any ideas?

 From Daisy Raulston's notes from Faye & Truman 
Underwood 1996

...1850 [census] Isarias Underwood born about 1798 NC   Johnson Co,Ark
   1840 [census] James Underwood born 1800-1810             "      "
   1840 [census] William B.Underwood     "              Scott Co,Ark
These three men were probably brothers and came from NC to 
Kentucky 1820 or before according to ages of the children. Then
to where some of the children were born in Mo then on to Ark by
By 1860 Isarias had died and Lucy Underwood and Chetesler 
[Chester] and Elisabeth Ashcraft were living next door to Rubin
Underwood in Delaware Township Yell County,Ark.It makes me 
believe that Isarias and Lucy were the parents of Malachi,Rubin,
and William Berry Underwood.
The marriage of Ezerias Underwood and Lucy Skaggs lines up with
what my grandma Lucy Ann Underwood Rollans had wrote in the 
Cortis Johnson Bible,in it she said that her grandmother on her
father's side was a Scggs[sic]/Skaggs.Chet or Chetlester that 
was killed by bush whackers during the Civil War was my
grandmother Lucy Ann Underwood Rollan's uncle. I have heard her
tell about him being killed.
...A.G.Underwood living next door to William Berry Underwood in
1850 may have been another brother to William Berry Underwood
...Chet or Chester enlisted at Ft.Smith,Ark 9 June 1861

 My added notes Nov 2001 
There is no Chet/Chester in the Index to Ark Conf Pension Appl.
But there are two Chet Underwood's listed in the Index to Ark 
Conf soldiers:
Chet Underwood Co.D,7 Ark Cav,Pvt/Pvt
Chet H.Underwood  Co.H,1 Ark Mtd Rifles,Pvt/Pvt
It would help if it could be determined if one of these is the 
one mentioned by Daisy Raulston.
In 1850 Clark Twp,Johnson Co,Ark:
Isarias 52 NC, Lucy 55 Ky, Chester 22 Mo, Polly 18 Mo,
Zeriah 15 Mo,Mary E.Alvis 8 Ark
Next door is Ceria (f) 51 NC and Leonard G.27 Ky,Elizabeth 14 Mo,
Cynthia Ann 16 Mo, and Robert F. 10 Ark
In 1860 Yell Co,Ark
Lucy Underwood 52 Ky, Chester 32 Mo
Reuben 37 Ky,Sarah 35 SC,Sarah Francis 7 Ark,Leonard 5 Ark, 
Clementine 3 Ark,Paralee 1 Ark
W.B.Underwood 35 Ky,Judia 32 Mo,Francis M.(f) 11 Ark, 
Missouri A.9 Ark,
William F.7 Ark, Margaret 5 Ark, Malinda K. 3 Ark, 
Lucy Ann 1 Ark
Gideon[Leonard G. from 1850?] 37 Ky,Mary 32 Ky,John 11 Ark, 
Margaret 8 Ark,
Jane 6 Ark, Lewis 2 Ark
1860 Johnson Co,Ark
Lenard Underwood 37 Ky, Sarah 24 Tn, Emily 11/12 Ark, 
Caroline 3 Ark, William Redden 73 NC

From all this it appears William Berry and Chet/Chester were 
brothers and Isarias and Lucy their parents. Isarias and 
Malachi's father were probably brothers. If Isarias,James, and 
the William B. in Scott Co,Ark 1840 are brothers (as suggested 
by Daisy Raulston), then Malachi's father must be William B. 
The age of James as shown in 1830 and 1840 is too young to be his 

Added notes Nov 17,2001

Following are a list of soldiers who served in the First 
Arkansas Confederate Mounted Rifles. A regimental history by 
the same title is available from Arkansas Research, PO Box 303,
Conway, AR 72033 for $16.00 plus $3.00 shipping.
The book lists company, date and place of enrollment, age, 
miles traveled to enlistment, and remarks about activities 
while in service. Introductory material includes a transcription
of T. Jeff Jobe's diary and Dr. Robert H. Dacus' 

[* This is probably Chester, son of Isarias Underwood & Lucy 
Skaggs,brother of William Berry Underwood and Uncle of Lucy Ann
Underwood Rollans]

Organized at Little Rock, Arkansas on June 16, 1861 under the 
command of Colonel Thomas J. Churchill. Company A was the 
"Chicot Rangers"; Company B the "Des Arc Rangers"; Company C 
the "Johnson Cavalry"; Company D the "Augusta Guards"; 
Company E the "Conway Cavalry"; Company F the "Pulaski Lancers";
Company G the "Napoleon Cavalry"; Company H the "Dardanelle 
Rangers" of Yell county; Company I the "McCulloch Rangers"; 
Company K the "Independence Cavalry"; and 
Company L the "Desha Cavalry".
Initially assigned to McCulloch's Brigade near Fayetteville, 
Arkansas, the regiment participated in the campaign to reinforce
General Sterling Price's Missouri State Guard in southwestern 
Missouri in July and August, 1861, fighting in the battles at 
Neosho and Wilson's Creek (called "Oak Hills" by the 
Confederates). Returned to Arkansas after Wilson's Creek and 
served in the Indian Territory against a number of Unionist 
Cherokee units in September and October, 1861. Wintered near
Strickler's Station, and marched with the Army of the West in
late February, 1862, fighting in a number of small skirmishes 
culminating in the Battle of Pea Ridge on March 7-8, 1862. 
Retreated with the Army of the West to Van Buren, and from 
there marched east to join the Confederate forces massing at 
Corinth, Mississippi. Dismounted at DeValls Bluff,Arkansas, in 
April 1862 and fought as infantry for the remainder of the war. 
Reorganized at Corinth, MS on May 1, 1862, re-enlisting for three
years or the duration of the War.Colonel Churchill was promoted
to brigade command at Corinth, and the regiment was assigned to
his brigade in McCown's Division, which accompanied Kirby 
Smith's army in an attempt to re-occupy Kentucky in the summer
and early fall of 1862. General Churchill was reassigned to a 
command in Arkansas in July, and General McNair assumed command
of the brigade. The brigade fought in the battle of Richmond, 
KY on August 29-30, 1862. Following the Battle of Perryville 
fought by Bragg's army in October, Kirby Smith's army followed 
Bragg back into middle Tennessee where it was merged with 
Bragg's Army of Tennessee. The regiment fought at the battle of
Murfreesboro on December 30, 1862 - January 2, 1863. In the 
early summer of 1863, McNair's brigade was detailed to General 
Joe Johnston's forces in an attempt to relieve the federal 
siege of Vicksburg, and fought in the siege of Jackson, MS. 
Following the fall of both Vicksburg and Jackson, the brigade 
returned to Bragg's Army of Tennessee near Tullahoma, and 
fought in all of that army's battles for the remainder of the 
war... at Chickamauga; Chattanooga, the Atlanta Campaign 
including Dug Gap, Resaca, Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, Ezra 
Church, the siege of Atlanta, Jonesboro, Lovejoy's Station and 
Moon's Station; the battles of Spring Hill, Franklin, and 
Nashville, Sugar Creek, the Carolinas Campaign, and Bentonville.
Consolidated with the 2nd Arkansas Mounted Rifles, 4th Arkansas
Infantry Battalion, and the 4th, 9th, and 25th Arkansas Infantry
regiments and the consolidated unit renamed as the 1st Mounted
Rifles Regiment (Consolidated)(Dismounted) at the last 
reorganization of the Army of Tennessee near Smithville, North
Carolina on April 9, 1865. Surrendered with the Army of 
Tennessee near Durham Station, North Carolina on April 26, 1865.
Officers: Colonel Thomas J. Churchill. Field Officers: Major 
William P. Campbell; Lt. Col. Morton G. Galloway; Major 
(later Colonel) Robert W. Harper; Major (later Lt. Col.) 
George S. Laswell; Lt. Col. Charles H. Matlock; Major 
(later Lt. Col. and Col.) Leander M. Ramsaur; Major 
(later Lt.Col., Col., and Brigadier General) Daniel H. 
Reynolds; Major (later Lt. Col.) George W. Wells References: 
Robert H. Dacus, Reminiscences of Company "H", First Arkansas 
Mounted Rifles


All enrollments were 9Jun1861 at Ft Smith, AR inless otherwise
NAME..... RANK..... AGE..... ENR DATE..... PLACE

This company engaged the enemy at Dardanelle on the 12th S
eptember 1863. Owing to the fewness of our numbers were 
constrained to retreat after a sharp short action. It was also 
in the engagement at Pine Bluff and had one wounded. This
action took place 28 Oct 1863 under the direction of General 

UNDERWOOD, CHET Pvt - Enl 14 Feb 1863 at Dardanelle, AR. 
Detailed as wagonmaster
4 Jun 1863. 

Marion D.(Meggs)FARRIS(1834 Tn) m.Margaret S.Adeline
 BLAYLOCK(1849 Ar or Ga)
Levander (Van)Decatur FARRIS(1875 Ar)m.Louisa(Eliza
)Caroline RAGSDALE(1875 Ar)
Henry Everett FARRIS(1902 Ar)m.Alamay McKnight
(1906 Jonesboro,Tx)
Henry Everett FARRIS,Jr(1925 Gomez,Tx)
m.Adolphia Estelle STEWART

Joseph/Joel(Joseph Lewis???)FINLEY(1792-1793 Tn or Pa)m.Susan 
BLAIR(1798-1799 Tn or Pa)

Findley research notes 1994
Traced thru census records:
1930 Pope Co,Ark,Illinois Township-"May have lived near Bethel 
going towards Pottsville from Russellville"- Sybil Findley Ragsdale
Oct 2004

1910 Pope Co,Ark 50-0087-246
William Warren FINDLEY  40
Emmett FINDLEY 15

1880 Pope Co,Ark ED 137-22
Lorenzo Dow FINDLEY 53
Josiah 12
William W. 10

1870 Pope Co,Ark p.375
Lorenzo D.FINDLEY 45
Josiah 12
1870 Pope Co,Ark p.374
Josiah 36
Joseph M. (LDS IGI,Ark shows Joel M.) 10 1/2
John W. 42

1860 Sevier Co,Ark p.77
Lorenzo 34
Susan (mother) 
John (brother of Lorenzo)

1850 McNairy Co,Tn p.101
Lorenzo 23 
Susan 50
Brice M.31
Martin 32

1850 McNairy Co,Tn p.98
John 57 b.Va
Mary 55 b.Tn
Jeptha POND 23 Tn,Eliza 26 Tn,Caledonia 1/12
Joel 24 Tn (1860 census says Joseph)

1840 McNairy Co,Tn
Joel,Brice M.,Martin FINDLEY

1840 Lincoln Co,Tn

1830 Lincoln Co,Tn
Joel age 30-40
John age 30-40

1820 Lincoln Co,Tn
Joseph age 26-45, 2 males to age 10 (Martin 2,Brice 1)
John age 26-45, no wife or children

No 1810 or earlier census for Tn

From 'The Clan Finley' by H.F.Stout,1956 and LDS IGI:
Joel FINLEY m.Susan BLAIR 1816 Tn (Tn IGI)
Joel FINLEY b.1792 (Tn IGI)
Susan BLAIR b.1799 (Tn IGI) or 1798(Pa IGI)
Joseph Lewis FINLEY b.1753 Chester,Pa (Pa IGI) father of John Blair,
Joseph Lewis,Ebenezer,Michael,James,Samuel Blair FINLEY
John Blair FINLEY b.1791(Pa and Ohio IGI)probably Westmoreland,Pa
Joseph Lewis FINLEY b.1793 Adams,Ohio(Ohio IGI) or Westmoreland,Pa
(Pa IGI)
Ebenezer FINLEY b.1798 Adams,Ohio(Ohio IGI) or Westmoreland,Pa
(Pa IGI)
Michael Lewis FINLEY b.1785 Adams,Ohio(Ohio IGI) or Westmoreland,Pa
(Pa IGI)
James FINLEY b.1796 Adams,Ohio(Ohio IGI) or Westmoreland,Pa
(Pa IGI)
Samuel Blair FINLEY b.1803 Adams,Ohio(Ohio IGI) or Westmoreland,Pa
(Pa IGI)

Jane BLAIR b.1762 Chester,Pa.Father Samuel BLAIR (Pa IGI)
Jane/Jean BLAIR m.Joseph Lewis FINLEY 1782 Philadelphia,Pa (Pa IGI)
('The Clan Finley' book says she was Rev.Samuel BLAIR's daughter)
Susan BLAIR b.1798, Bedford,Pa, parents Brice BLAIR & Nancy McCOY (Pa IGI)
Joseph Lewis FINLEY b.1753 Chester,Pa (Pa IGI) Parents Michael FINLEY & 
Agnes KENNEDY b.Ireland moved to Pa about 1734

It appears Joseph Lewis FINLEY (b.1753) moved to Adams,Ohio about 1807

1820 Lincoln Co,Tn shows a Joseph FINLEY
1830 Lincoln Co,Tn shows Joel FINLEY
1840 McNairy Co,Tn shows Joel FINLEY

John B.FINLEY (Pa/Ohio IGI says John Blair) is in 1850-1860 Census,Lewis,Ky
The 1850,1860 Ohio census did not show a John B.FINLEY. This probably

is Joseph Lewis FINLEY (b.1753)'s son    

There is a John FINLEY b.1792 Augusta,Va who is a son of David FINLEY of
Lincoln,NC (moved to Augusta,Va 1791). This John FINLEY married Nancy BARNES
or BROWN in either Va (LDS Film 0863977 'Finley's of Va')or Jefferson''Tn
(LDS IGI for Tn). This is the only John FINLEY I can find born around
1792-1793 in Va who was later in Tn.

There is another John FINLEY (Ky GI says John Blair FINLEY) b.Lewis,Ky 1783. 
Father Joseph FINLEY b.1759 Kent,Md. Joseph's father George FINLEY 
1723 Ireland.'The Clan Finley' book says this John d.1837 Scott,Ky. 
LDS IGI says 1852,Ky

Joel FINLEY's second son was named Brice M. This Brice named a 
daughter Nancy. 
The Susan BLAIR b.Pa 1798 parents were Brice BLAIR & Nancy McCOY. 

The LDS web site shows a Joel D.FINLEY b. Chester,Pa 1859, parents 
Samuel FINLEY & Sarah M. HOOPES

It appears the names Joel and Joseph were used interchangeably, like
John and Jack.

1998 Notes

In the 1970's, John W.FINDLEY of Batesville,Ark corresponded with 
his cousin,our Grandmother Mae FINDLEY of Essex,Mo.(originals in 
possession of Wayne A.Ragsdale,Birmingham,Al).John W.had not found 
who Joel's parents were yet. He mentioned in one letter about a book.
I had not been able to find any more info on this or about him. In
Sep 1998 I emailed several FINLEY/FINDLEY's in Batesville. Cathy
Finley Bufford (email bufford@cei.net, Randall & Cathy)found info 
that John W. had died Nov.1991 and was buried at Lee's Chapel Cemetery.
She gave me the names of his daughters:
Annette Findley Cleveland,June Findley Wilson,Dannalee Findley 
Watkins. I wrote Annette and Dannalee but have never received a reply.
In Nov 1998 I found a Preston W.BOLTON who had submitted Joel FINDLEY to 
WFT. I got his address from Family Tree Maker: 
9307 Saffron Hill Ct.
Manassas,Va 22110
He emailed back (email BOLTON_WOODY@prodigy.net). He was a descendant of 
Brice M.FINLEY, the son of Joel & Susan. He had a copy of the book from 
about 1988. Following is one of the pages in the book about the Findley 
  "Our common ancestor as far back as I have been able to trace is Joel 
Findley.The first place I was able to locate him was Lincoln Co,Tenn 
in the year 1820.At this time he was married and had two sons, both
probably born there.  After this time there were three more sons, all
born in Lincoln Co. 
In the year 1840 the family moved to the northeast corner of 
McNairy Co,Tn on the waters of the White Oak.  Joel was born 
April 14,1797 in Tenn, supposedly of Irish parents of Va 
blood line of Findleys that moved to Tenn sometime between 1794 and 1797.
He was married to Susan BLAIR about 1816 or the first part of 1817. Susan 
Blair was born Apr.20,1799 in Tenn. Joel died Jan 19,1842 with winter fever
(pneumonia)and was buried in Mt.Zion cemetery in McNairy Co. near Enville,
   After Joel's death Susan continued to live with her three youngest
sons on the home place, since the two eldest sons Martin and 
Brice M.were already married.About 1849-1850 the next son Lorenzo Dow
married leaving the two youngest sons John W. and Josiah S. at home 
with Susan.   About the latter part of the 1850's Susan along with 
the unmarried sons and Lorenzo Dow who was married and part of his 
family already born moved to Pope Co,Ark and settled in the Gum Log 
community. Later moving to the Center Valley community,where she 
remained making her home with the youngest son,until her death on 
Aug 21,1866. Susan was buried in Center Valley Cemetery, Pope Co,
   In Lincoln Co,Tn Joel and a John W.Findley lived neighbors for
20 years. It is not known if they were related, but it is believed
they were brothers.John W. was three years older than Joel, had three
daughters, and a son by the name of Joel.Joel and Susan had five sons,
one of whom was named John W. John W.'s son Joel married a girl named
Lucinda. Joel and Susan's son Martin named his daughter Lucinda and 
his son John W. and a daughter Mary which was the name of John W.'s wife.
   After Joel died John W. and his wife Mary, with their family, moved
from Lincoln Co,Tenn to McNairy Co,Tenn, settling in the same area as
Susan and her children. One of John W. and Mary's daughters married
Jeptha Pond. It is believed another daughter married John Meek in
Lincoln Co and came to McNairy
Co with the Meek families. She was called Aunt Polly Meek, also 
Aunt Polly Findley. She lived to be 105 years old and is still remembered
by some.
   John W. and his wife Mary are buried in the Mt.Zion cemetery, 
McNairy Co, near Enville,Tenn. Their son,Joel and daughter Sarah
Elizabeth,who married Jeptha Pond,moved to Randolph Co,Ark where it
is presumed they are buried along with, the family members who died
there. Daughter Mary (Polly) who is thought to have married John Meek
is buried somewhere in Mt,Zion cemetery near Enville.
   Thus in these following pages we shall see the generations as they
have multiplied and passed our way never to return and fill us in on
many things long forgotten. "

Note added Mar 2006:
In one of his letters to Mae Findley, John W.Findley wrote:
....one family came to America in 1720 the other 1734 and members of
both families were in Augusta Co,Va at the same time and both families
used the same usual family names, Robert,John,James and Samuel, every
family had sons by these names. I am trying now to connect us with James
and Elizabeth Patterson Findley both born and married in Ireland had
six children one son John Findley married Thankful Doak had son John
Findley,Jr married Mary Caldwelland had son James Findley born 1745
in Augusta Co,Va married Keziah Martin and had sons James,
Robert,Samuel, and Travis and I believe Joel my great grandfather to
be son of one of these boys Joel born 1792 and I have a direct line 
from Joel to the present. Joel had son whose name was Martin Findley
this was my grandfather....

My comments: I have since then found info in 'The Clan Finley'  that
these sons were either too young or moved elsewhere than Tenn but they
also may have had a son John Findley born 1770 Augusta Co,Va, married
in 1791 Katherine Walker (born 1770 also in Augusta Co,Va), unknown where.
He died in Davidson Co,Nashville,Tn in 1838. I have not been able to
get a response from the person who provided this info. I have also been
unable to find anything else at the Tenn Archives in Nashville..... yet.
Maybe some day???

Al Ragsdale

Update August 7,2006:

Joseph Joel Findley b.1792 Tn* or Pa d.1842 Tn (birth year is 
according to his gravestone at McNairy County,Enville,Tn)
* Tn did not become a state until 1796
I have never found proof that he is the son of Joseph Lewis Findley 
(b.1753 Pa d.1839 Adams,Ohio). This Joseph Lewis Findley had a son 
named Joseph Lewis Findley b.1793 according to the book 'The Clan Finley'
by Harold Stout. Nothing further is shown.
My original thinking was that the name Joel came from Joe(for Joseph)
+L.(for Lewis). But it appears that the name Joel is far more common 
(in Pa and Tn) than I had thought in 1995. A search on ancestry.com census
 records reveals this.
However, Joel Findley is shown as Joseph in 1820 Lincoln,Tn then as 
Joel in 1830 and 1840. Another Findley descendant was shown as Joseph
and Joel in Tn and Ark. So the names could just be interchangeable,
like Jack and John.
The Susan Blair b.1798 Bedford,Pa had parents named Brice and Nancy (McCoy) 
Blair. Joel and Susan Findley named a son Brice. That Brice named a 
daughter Nancy. Joseph Lewis(b.1753 Pa) and Jean(Blair) Finley had a
daughter named Nancy also. The name Brice is much more common than I
had thought, in Tn and Pa. An ancestry.com search as above shows this.
There were also several Blair families in Tn in 1820 in Lincoln Co.
Only two Blair families are in 1810 in Rutherford Co,Tn. There are no
Finley or Findley families in 1810 but the census for Tn only shows
two townships in Rutherford Co.
The 1850 Tn and 1860 Ark census shows Susan Blair Findley was born in
Tn. All the 1880 Census records of her children say she and Joel were
born in Tn not Pa.I know this is subject to who gave the info to the

census taker, but it bothers me that not one ever said Pa. 
An article about Joel Findley in the Pope Co,Ark history by 
Mrs.Reese Bowden (Lucille Findley?) says he was from Lincoln Co,Penn.
There is no Lincoln Co,Penn so did they make a typo, or did someone
have this info? I have never been able to find out.  Other than my
reasons above about Joseph Lewis Findley of Pa, I have never seen any
other info. Another descendant of his son John D.C.Blair
(of Ky)told me no one had ever found a Tn connection to the Pa or Ohio
Finley's.My grandmother's second cousin John W.Findley of 
Batesville,Ark researched this line from the 1970's until his death
in 1991. He never found who Joel's parents were but thought that they 
were from Va. Joseph Joel and John W.Findley (b.1797 Va) were next to 
each other in the 1820 and 1830 Tn census. The name John  W. was used
by several of Joel's descendants and Joel was used in John W.'s. 
John W. (Batesville) thought that Joel and John W. were brothers but
could never prove it. 

Note added Mar 2006:
In one of his letters to Mae Findley, John W.Findley wrote:
....one family came to America in 1720 the other 1734 and members of
both families were in Augusta Co,Va at the same time and both families
used the same usual family names, Robert,John,James and Samuel, every 
family had sons by these names. I am trying now to connect us with James
and Elizabeth Patterson Findley both born and married in Ireland had 
six children one son John Findley married Thankful Doak had son John
Findley,Jr married Mary Caldwelland had son James Findley born 1745
in Augusta Co,Va married Keziah Martin and had sons James,
Robert,Samuel, and Travis and I believe Joel my great grandfather to
be son of one of these boys Joel born 1792 and I have a direct line
from Joel to the present. Joel had son whose name was Martin Findley
this was my grandfather....

My comments: I have since then found info in 'The Clan Finley'  that
these sons were either too young or moved elsewhere than Tenn but they
also may have had a son John Findley born 1770 Augusta Co,Va, married
in 1791Katherine Walker (born 1770 also in Augusta Co,Va), unknown
where. He died in Davidson Co,Nashville,Tn in 1838. I have not been
able to get a response from the person who provided this info. I have
also been unable to find anything else at the Tenn Archives in
Nashville..... yet. Maybe some day???

Al Ragsdale

I recently researched all the Westmoreland Co,Pa indexed microfilms 
I could find at the Pa Archives, hoping to find mention of Joseph Lewis
Finley (the son b.1792). I also researched all the cemetery and marriage
and other books I could find at the Pa State Library. No mention of
Joseph Lewis Finley.
The 1800 Census lists only 108 Finley and 37 Findley families. The
majority were in NC and Pa. This census does not include Tn or Va.
The 1790 Census lists only 54 Finley and 33 Findley families, again
with the majority in NC and Pa. This census also did not include Tn
(statehood was 1796)or Va (statehood 1788).
My questions:
If Joseph Joel Findley was born in Tn, who are his parents? And siblings?
If Susan Blair was born in Tn, who are her parents? And siblings?
If Joseph Joel and Susan were married in Tn, where? 
If they were born in Pa, how did they end up in Tn?
I hope to go to the Nashville,Tn State Library & Archives and Lincoln
County,Tn Library soon and then maybe Ohio and Va someday.
I personally do not have any problem with anyone showing any 
connections to people but others have questioned my logic on assuming
this connection. I have dropped it from my personal GED and tried to
note it to all the websites I can 
do so on.
Thank you.

Al Ragsdale
May 25,2005
August 7,2006 Update:

Gmail 	Wayne Ragsdale 
Joel Finley Genealogy and Comment
2 messages
Bryce D. Blair  	Wed, Aug 2, 2006 at 9:03 AM
To: Wayne Ragsdale 
Hi Wayne,
I am Bryce D. Blair, of Medina, OH, and am directly related to the 

Brice (II) Blair & Nancy "Agnes" McCoy you have mentioned in at least
two informative postings on Rootsweb boards (dated: 20 Apr 05 and 
23 May 05).  I have spent the last 25 years researching my Blair line
which has been proven back to Brice's father, Brice (I) Blair, b.ca.1720
in the North of Ireland & his second wife, Susannah (unknown).  I have
published a book (in 2000) on his history and 
descendants called, The Bean's Cove Blair Clan Genealogy.
The reason I am writing is to comment on your reference to his 
daughter, Susan Blair (b.1798 in Bedford Co, PA) in both postings.
 I have seen other references to her on the Internet as well.  The truth
is that Brice (he is also my namesake) had two daughters they named
Susannah, probably named after their grandmother.  However, both died
young according to the family tradition and an Orphan's court record.
 I also have a copy of the old Brice (II) Blair Family
Bible giving the birth dates of all in that family group.  The first
Susannah was born on 11 Jul 1790 in Southampton Twp, Bedford Co, PA
and the other on 11 Jul 1798 in the same place.  There were no death
records kept in Bedford Co.at the time so I only have the old Bible
record and an Orphan's Court record on his minor children shortly after
he died, intestate, on 26 Oct 1813 in Bedford Co, PA.  According to
the law of the time, the County's Orphan's Court was required to appoint
a legal, male guardian for fatherless children under the age
of sixteen and approve the selection of a guardian for those sixteen
to twenty one.  The second Susannah would have been 15 years old at 
the time had she lived.  She is not mentioned in the court record where
as all the others are.  I do not have a death date for either Susannah
but their grandmother died on 14 Feb 1819 (68 years old).
Sometime before I got into my research, someone filed some data with
the LDS on Brice (II)'s family, possible based on another copy of the
old Blair Bible record and the LDS just transferred it to the IGI
without checking further, creating the misinformation used by others.
I certainly don't mean to "rain on anyone else's parade" but I thought
you might be interested in what information I have on the subject and
will be very interested in your comments.  Incidentally, the Family
of Blair is very large and well represented, even today, through out
the USA, the UK and the British Commonwealth.  I am also part of the
Blair Society for Genealogical Research,see www.blairsociety.org for
more details.  I very much hope this e-mail gets through to you and
hope to hear from you soon and hope your Finley/Findley 
research is going well.
Bryce D. Blair
Wayne Ragsdale  	Wed, Aug 2, 2006 at 10:20 AM
Reply-To: alragsdale@gmail.com
To: "Bryce D. Blair" 
Hello Bryce,
Thank you very much for the info. I no longer show the Susan Blair to
Brice Blair or Joseph Joel Finley to Joseph Lewis Finley connections
in my GED. I have
also tried to find every web site that shows this and show corrections
and also email the submitters. I wish there was a way to correct the
LDS info or at least add a note giving the reasons for why we showed
a connection.I have no problem with you correcting any web site that
you find. I appreciate it. I would also like for you to let me know.

Al Ragsdale
[Quoted text hidden]

Lorenzo Dow FINDLEY(1826 Lincoln,Tn)m.Annie HUGHES
(1831 Tn)
William or Wilson Warren FINDLEY(1869 Ar)m.Annie J.
Emmett Warren FINDLEY(1895 Pope,Ar)m.Rebecca Mae 
RAMSEY(1901 Jasper,Tn)
*Sybil Naomi FINDLEY(1921 Russellville,Ar)m.Albert Abner 
RAGSDALE(1913 Sequoyah,Ok)
*born near Brown Hill,next to where Russellville Airport
is now located(2005). Findley Lane is still at the top of
Brown Hill.

John CULBREATH(1810 NC)m.Mary BURTON(1811 NC)
John Daniel CULBREATH(1848 Henry,Tn)m.Mattie Graham 
John Daniel CULBREATH(1898 Ar)m.Emma Vaida ARBUCKLE
(1904 Bay Village,Ar)
Lonnie CULBREATH*(1925 Harrisburg,Ar)m.Margret Elease 
HART(1929 Perry or Hickman,Tn)
*Died about 11:30 AM 9-18-04, Baptist Memorial (East) Hospital-Memphis
from complications with chemo (after third one in six weeks) treatment
for lymphoma. His body became 'septic' and vital organs starting
shutting down starting Mon 9-6-04

Newspaper Obit
Lonnie Culbreath,79,of Memphis, retired tire builder for Firestone and
Click Industries, died Saturday[Sep 18, 2004] at Baptist Memorial Hospital
Memphis. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at Memphis Funeral Home
Germantown Parkway Chapel with burial in Memory Hill Gardens. He was
a 50-year member of Cathedral of Praise Assembly of God in Cordova.
Mr.Culbreath, the husband of Margret Culbreath for 57 years, also
leaves two daughters, Rebecca Millican of Memphis and Elaine Ragsdale
of Birmingham; a son Darrell Culbreath of Bartlett; three sisters Mattie
Rhoades of Memphis, Alva May Young of Harrisburg,Ark, and Joan
Campbell of Marked Tree,Ark, five grandchildren and eight 
great-grandchildren.  The family requests that any memorials be sent
to West [Cancer]Clinic.

Cause of death on death certificate (copy in possession of Kimberly
 & Rebecca Millican and Margret Hart Culbreath:
staph infection and sepsis, secondary to lymphoma

Margaret Elaine CULBREATH(1950 Tn) m. Wayne A.

Joseph HART m.Eliza CRIGGER(1843 Tn)
John H.HEART(1863 Tn) m.Euler A.Cook(1871 Tn)
Walter Vernon HART(1903 Hickman,Tn)m.Jennety Lee 
DIVINEY(1905 Hickman,Tn)
Margret Elease HART(1929 Perry or Hickman,Tn)m.Lonnie
 CULBREATH(1925 Harrisburg,Ar)

James R.DIVINNEY(1827 Tn) m. Rhoda (1826 Tn)
James R.DIVINNEY(1853 Hickman,Tn)m.?(Tn)
Jim DIVINNEY(1871 Tn) m. Nevie Coble RICE (1875 Tn)
Jennety Lee DIVINNEY(1905 Tn)m.Walter Vernon HART
(1903 Hickman,Tn)

John MILLICAN(1807 Tn)m.Anna (1811 Tn)
John R.MILLICAN(1841 Al)m.Mary J.(1850 Al)
William Henry MILLICAN(1865 Tn or Al)m.Hester A.(Hettie)
BROWN(1871 Tn or Illinois)
William Pinkley MILLICAN(1898 Tipton,Tn) m. Bertha
 EDMONDS(1901 Tn)
Hubert Edward MILLICAN(1929 Drummonds,Tn)
        m. Lorena Mae MEHARREY(1929 Drummonds,Tn)
James Ricky MILLICAN(1954 Tn) 
        m.Rebecca L.CULBREATH(1954 Tn)

John MEHARREY(1800 Ireland) m. Rebecca(1818 NC)
Benjamin F.MEHARREY (1851 Al) m. Ida Jane (1859 Al)
William Homer MEHARREY(1888 Al) m. Otlia Grace
 CROSBY(Pontotoc, Ms)
Lorena Mae MEHARREY(1929 Drummonds,Tn) m.Hubert
 Edward MILLICAN(1929 Drummonds,Tn)

John Aaron RIALS (1841 Ms) m. Alice Victoria 
SMITH(1855 Ms?)
Benjamin F.RIALS(1877 Copiah,Ms) m. Pearl Beatrice
 ASHLEY (1883 Copiah,Ms)
Earl RIALS(1913 Hazlehurst,Ms) m. Bessie Iola
 DOWNS(1917 Ga or Al)

Lewis Moses ASHLEY m. Pherba Jane Cliburn
Pearl Beatrice ASHLEY(1883 Copiah,Ms) m. Benjamin F.
RIALS(1877 Copiah,Ms)

John BRINKLEY(1840 Tn)m.Docia Ann(1835 Tn)
John R.Price BRINKLEY(1865 Ark)
m.Cynthia LYNCH(1871 Ark)
Marshall Hubert BRINKLEY(1888 Ark)
m1.Florence (1889 Ark)
m2.Montreal Canada ELROD
James Marshall BRINKLEY(1922 Ark) m. Gladys Aline
 FINDLEY(1923 Ark)

Herman Von Vunsch (WUNSCH)b.Holstein,Germany 1879
Lester WUNSCH b.1903 St.Louis,Mo d.1981
Allen WUNSCH b.~1924
   m.Ruby LIGHT b.~1927 Mo
           Parents Freddie O.LIGHT ,Thelma Mae MAHURIN
              Freddie's f.Francis Marion LIGHT, m.Sarah Hill HASTY
              Thelma's f.William Henry MAHURIN,m.Minta Mae TINKER

Elkana C. "Elk C." COLLUM m.Millie VARDEN
George Leonard "Chunk" COLLUM m.Paralee GLASSCOCK GLASS
Ronald Leroy "Rod" COLLUM m. Maxine SOMMER
Monroe Anthony "Tony" COLLUM m. Jenny MILLER

Christian SOMMER m.Barbara CLAUDON
Nelson Christian SOMMER m.Ella KAUFFMAN

James Louis Lewis MILLER m.Rebecca Ann FUSSELL
Delmas FUSSELL m.Vollie Mae SKIPPER

I have easy access to many Southern state census records
at the library and easy access to an LDS Family History Center.
The Family History Center has a good portion of the Alabama
death records on microfilm.
My complete up to date GEDCOM's are available at the links below.

Links to other sites on the Web

SPEARS & Related Family Genealogy Exchange
My personal RAGSDALE Research GEDCOM
Cherokee RAGSDALE's I have researched- GED
Ragsdale.org:Very good compilation of other Ragsdale researcher's info
Mrs.Blake Ragsdale Van Leer Research Letters from the 1960's
RAGSDALE/UNDERWOOD/SPEARS/SHEPPARD/BARNES/POTTS Documents & Pictures I Have Found During My Ragsdale Research-note :This MSN Groups web site is going away in Feb 2009"
RAGSDALE/UNDERWOOD/SPEARS/SHEPPARD/BARNES/POTTS Documents & Pictures I Have Found During My Ragsdale Research(migrated to multiply.com from MSN Groups)"
Daniel J.Spears Confederate Pension Affadavits"
Coweta Co,Ga Land Records"
Joshua Spears Pension Affadavits"
Cherokee Ragsdale Documents"
Fellowship Baptist Cemetery Randolph Co,Al"
Spears Randolph Co,Al Land Records"
Findley Documents"
Spears Randolph Co,Al Researchers"
My Collum,Miller,Sommer,Fussell,Varden Research GEDCOM
'Elijah Ragsdale'Book -line goes back to Godfrey
Malachi and Reuben Underwood Civil War Pensions
Barnes and Potts Photos
Culbreath Photos and Documents
Ragsdale Photos and Documents
Jeremiah Sheppard Documents from the Randolph [County,Alabama]Enterprise from 1856 and 1875
Underwood Photos and Documents
My Genealogy Fact Sheets
Ancestors, Descendants,and Memories of Bro Al and Sybil(Findley)Ragsdale
Life Story of Rev.Albert Abner Ragsdale(Brother Al)
My Theory as of 2007 on Susan Sheppard Barnes Ancestry
My Twitter Page
My ancestry.com Family Tree