Ucha - 12/28/00 02:21:59
My URL:http://www.ucha.jetaime.as
My Email:ucha@jetaime.as
Country You Are From: Indonesia

Cool hommie.....buh bye ^_^

vikci - 12/11/00 15:04:28
My Email:vfrisch@earthlink.net
Country You Are From: usa

hi I am a grandmother of 3 and one on the way in May of 2001. It is so much fun to watch small children grow and learn so much in such a short time. Have fun learning and growing up into a young lady.

carly - 12/10/00 20:38:38
Country You Are From: holland

you are a beautiful baby, i like to have a baby girl too, i have now 2 (baby)boys. i hope you grow well, later to have a nice personality and become one. of course this site is very adorable, keep on going, girl.

Alexis Christine - 11/20/00 02:27:13
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/setyafit/lexie
My Email:lexielu98@hotmail.com
Country You Are From: USA

Wonderful website.

Emily - 08/20/00 22:55:17
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/eafulghum/soul
My Email:scoobydooamor@aol.com
Country You Are From: USA - Tennessee

I love this page! It is so well done, creative, eye catching and interest holding. Alyssa, it is a miracle you inspired such work! But I suppose having a baby as cute as her would bring upon many things! Alysaa is a darling and I love the page. Great work Papa!

cathy - 07/30/00 21:33:29
Country You Are From: u.s.a

your babe is adorable

Alexis Christine - 07/24/00 22:41:37
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/setyafit/lexie
My Email:lexielu98@hotmail.com
Country You Are From: USA

Your father has done a wonderful job with your web site. I am a month older then you. I was born in March of 1998. Come see my web site.

Alyssa Noble - 07/24/00 16:21:09
My Email:Smylee62000
Country You Are From: United States

Hey! I was just looking around the Internet for information on my name when i stumbled across this page. It's really nice of your Dad to have made this page for you. I wish my Dad had done that 14 years ago. Well thats about it! -Alyssa

Idham Fairuz - 07/19/00 23:00:27
My Email:idhamf@catcha.com
Country You Are From: Selayang, Malaysia

Kudos to your parents for doing a wonderful job. U might want to ask them for a baby brother/sister to accompany u, don't u think? Anyway don't neglect your parents as they will always be there for u in good and bad times. A seriuous thought to ponder, but never to late. All the best 2 u and your family... take care and keep on smiling :)

Jenny - 06/28/00 04:59:53
My Email:abbyshotmama@aol.com
Country You Are From: United States

What a wonderful thing your mama and papa have started for you!! Always be proud of who you come from--it takes very special people to do such a generous thing for their child!! Welcome to the world!

Benji - 05/24/00 08:42:06
My URL:http://freshblue.virtualave.net/screencheck.html
My Email:webmaster@mymail.com.my
Country You Are From: Tronoh, Malaysia


This is my rating of your webpage [1 to 10]

Other comments : Quite impressive. keep up the good work...

nate - 05/04/00 10:11:37
My Email:wookie2680@aol.com
Country You Are From: us

this is really cool i never would of thought of anything like this for my kid , you are lucky to have such a great father

Hafidz Daud - 04/22/00 21:11:43
My Email:apit74@yahoo.com
Country You Are From: Malaysia

Semoga adik Sofea membesar menjadi seorang muslimah yang solehah serta taat dan hormat kepada kedua ibubapa.

M Ferhad Johari - 04/20/00 13:41:08
My Email:ferhad67@yahoo.com
Country You Are From: Singapore


Aunty Normala - 04/17/00 05:51:48
My URL:http://go.to/normala
My Email:normala@email.com
Country You Are From: Malaysia

Happy 2nd Birthday to Alyssa Sofea. Now come and see my 6 beautiful nieces in my photo album at:

danial yusuf - 04/17/00 03:45:23
Country You Are From: Malaysia

hello and happy belated birthday alyssa sorry if you have a hard time reading this but my papa has not taught me punctuation or uppercase letters yet my second birthday is coming up too on 18 june bye bye

pak lang & mak lang - 04/15/00 13:09:23
My Email:anai64@hotmail.com
Country You Are From: malaysia

My Dear Alyssa, Happy 2nd Birthday! We hope you'll have many more birthdays to come. May Allah show you the right path that will make your parent proud.

kamal & family - 04/15/00 13:00:47
My Email:k2u@tm.net.my
Country You Are From: Malaysia

Alyssa, Uncle Kamal, Auntie Nor, Abang Shafeq, Kakak Athirah dan Kakak Amira mengucapkan "SELAMAT HARI LAHIR KEDUA" with lots of love. April 15, 2000

Pak Ngah & Mak Ngah - 04/15/00 12:52:21

Happy b'day Alyssa....Be a good girl....babai..pak ngah hi alyssa...today you're two..you have a long way to go and i hope your journey will be a wonderful experience for you....life is wonderful and you have to enjoy it every single moment of it....sometimes you'll find that life is treating you not the way y u want it but that's life and that what makes it so wonderful..happy birthday and God bless....mak ngah

PaK Su - 04/15/00 12:47:34
My Email:eddiejy@pd.jaring.my
Country You Are From: Malaysia , Melaka

Selamat Menyambut Hari Jadi yg ke 2... Alyssa.. Semoga Alyssa Sofea sentiasa gembira bersama Papa & Mama... So Pak Su & Mak Su ada bagi present Flash Card... so by the time you finish with the Flash card you would be able to read THIS .... Happy Birthda Best wishes. !!!!!!??? Luv Pak SU&Mak Su

Mak Su - 04/15/00 12:40:04
My Email:anis.mazwein@citicorp.com
Country You Are From: Malaysia

Alyssa, Today,(actually tomorrow) Alyssa dah 2 tahun. Ramai org datang ke Birthday Alyssa, tapi Alyssa dok masam je bila tangkap gambar. Mesti kes terkejut kot!!!!!!

mak tok - 03/30/00 05:27:35

alyssa darling, mak tok loves you

Papa - 03/23/00 04:58:26
My URL:http://asrulmm.web.com
My Email:bandar_utopia@hotmail.com
Country You Are From: Malaysia

Alyssa dearest, I have submitted your website to be included in the Malaysian Hebat and Babies Online Webring. Just waiting for their approval.

Papa - 03/22/00 19:08:21
My URL:http://asrulmm.web.com
My Email:bandar_utopia@hotmail.com
Country You Are From: Malaysia

Your submission to LinkExchange has just been approved. I've added two more banner exchanges to your site today...hopefully they'll approve it too. Look forward to receive many more guests and friends from around the world, my dear!!

Papa - 03/20/00 02:34:45
My URL:http://asrulmm.web.com
My Email:bandar_utopia@hotmail.com
Country You Are From: Malaysia

How are you today, my dear?

Papa & Mama - 03/19/00 18:58:49
My URL:http://asrulmm.web.com
My Email:bandar_utopia@hotmail.com
Country You Are From: Malaysia

We hope that you'll meet many new friends worldwide via this website! Semoga besarmu sebagai insan beriman & may Allah be with you ALWAYS !!

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