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During the Holy Week of 2002 I was at the Templar shelter at Manjarin, León, Spain, supporting the hosts that welcame the pilgrims on the Santiago's Way, when a group of four portuguese Rosicrucian priestesses turned up in the company of two priests of the same Order. This Easter, lived close to this group and to the Templar group, was the most vivid and moved Easter in my whole life...

Many are the New Age messages around us at this time and almost all of them speak about the same, as if the same voice had inspired many minds belonging to different trainings and different cultures ...
but, presently, more than to the message I cling to the vibration of the people who convey it .

The human nature of both the priestesses and the priests of the Movimento Nova Era,   from Portugal, seemed to me so beautiful and noble that I decided to cooperate with them by translating their Book of Life into Spanish / English. At a first reading this book appeared to me as having a predominantly alchemical condition and, as I reread it, I understand that the wisdom of its symbols adds more and more intuitive elements to my deep thought while my sensitiveness flies and flows like a flame over the powerful rhythm of its poetry .


Manuel Costas Castelin

Vigo, Spain, Spring 2002






O MOVIMENTO NOVA ERA é um grupo esotérico de linha ROSA+CRUZ, fundado em Portugal para a difusão do Ensinamento Tradicional e para irradiação da Luz do Rei do Mundo .


Para além da actividade pedagógica que inclui lições directas e por correspondência, o M.N.E. realiza conferências por todo Portugal , nas quais são abordados temas vários de História, Mitologia e Tradição Portuguesas - pois a investigação e divulgação destas áreas é um outro dos polos fundamentais da nossa actividade, já que , de acordo com o Ensinamento do Mestre Espiritual do Movimento, Portugal é o Quinto Castelo da Rosa+Cruz e um dos focos principais de Irradiação da Luz do Rei do Mundo, Sanat Kumara, para a Era de Aquarius.

Toda a orientação do Grupo é feita a partir dos Planos Espirituais, da Egrégora do seu Mestre, o Qual se encontra, por sua vez, ligado à Egrégora dos Irmãos Maiores da Ordem Rosa+Cruz .

A pedagogia pretende ser o mais eclética possível, de forma a proporcionar um estudo comparado das várias tradições e seus filósofos - não é pois um ensinamento dogmático, compartimentado e parcial, mas antes universalista, que pretende recuperar uma visão de unidade entre os vários ensinamentos filosóficos, científicos e religiosos existentes .-
Nos Graus iniciais são ministrados cursos básicos de Simbolismo, Ocultismo e Esoterismo .


O Livro da Vida é um livro esotérico ditado espiritualmente ao Movimento e que assumimos como inserido nos novos Ensinamentos para a Humanidade Aquariana. É ele a base filosófica fundamental das nossas conferências e a sua divulgação e interpretação é um dos nossos primordiais objectivos .


Não pretende o M.N.E. ser apenas um grupo de filosofia especulativa, mas também operativa, isto é, cumprir os dois preceitos básicos da Rosa+Cruz que manda Curar e Ensinar.
Na área da Cura existe um departamento para providenciar ajuda de cura espiritual e aconselhamento Naturista a qualquer pessoa que o necessite, tendo apenas que enviar duas fotos tipo passe e solicitar uma ficha de inscrição nesse Departamento. Esta ajuda é totalmente gratuita.
Os Membros dedicam-se ainda à cura do planeta , sobretudo das regiões de maior convulsão social e política .


A via iniciática é abraçada pela inserção em 3 Círculos Internos : Círculo de Ioan, Círculo de Lanie -Rá  e Círculo de Aton. Estes 3 Círculos têm uma tónica sacerdotal, sendo o primeiro de Homens, o segundo de Senhoras e o terceiro misto. A sua integração só se faz por convite dos seus dirigentes e só poderá ingressar no Círculo de Aton quem viva permanentemente na Comunidade.


Não pretendemos preencher vazios emocionais ou encontrar uma forma agradável de passar tempos livres. Somos sim um Grupo que fornece métodos de auto -confronto e a própria INICIAÇÃO ROSA+CRUZ. Caminhos estes nada fáceis e de grande exigência pessoal e dureza, nos quais deverá o candidato desgastar a sua personalidade e fazer um contacto profundo com o seu Eu Maior .

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Para os que queiram ir assim tão longe, estamos a construir uma Comunidade no Alentejo, a "Comunidade de Amarna " onde, através de uma filosofia e vivência espiritual, poderão os Discípulos Aceites viver comunitariamente e, numa base ecológica, ajudar a criar um arquétipo espiritual e material que sirva de base à construção de uma nova sociedade, livre, equilibrada e justa - um lugar de Luz onde as crianças possam crescer segundo padrões muito diferentes daqueles que lhes proporciona a sociedade profana.- um lugar onde o sagrado tenha a maior palavra a dizer.

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A Comunidade tem por outro lado uma componente exotérica, o que lhe permite abrir as portas a pessoas apenas com preocupações ecológicas, culturais e humanitárias mas sem desejo de integrar o processo esotérico - desde que aceitem respeitar as estruturas e a Regra da Comunidade.- Este tipo de integração pode ser temporária ou permanente e não implica a inscrição como membro do Movimento Nova Era .


Os candidatos à inscrição no Movimento deverão passar por uma entrevista prévia em que a sua candidatura será apreciada e a inscrição aceite ou não, de acordo com os seguintes critérios :
-intenções honestas
-motivações profundas ( não simples curiosidade )
-sintonia real com a linha Rosa+Cruz
-disposição para sevir a Humanidade
-positiva apreciação psíquica do candidato, por parte dos entrevistadores.


- Seguimento da Pedagogia específica para o Círculo em que se inscreve
- Observação estrita da ética Rosa+Cruz, nos planos do pensamento e do comportamento
- Comparência às reuniões que forem obrigatórias para esse Círculo
- Pagamento de uma quota mensal que se destina à realização das actividades do Movimento Nova Era. As quotas dos seus Membros são os únicos proventos materiais do Movimento .

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Se desejar informações adicionais às que aqui são resumidamente fornecidas; se desejar marcar a sua entrevista ou efectuar qualquer outro tipo de contacto, faça-o para :

Rua Vasco da Gama, 24 2900 Setúbal, Portugal.
Telefone : 265234224


Loja Amarna
Edifício Cerca de S. Paulo, Bloco A, Fracção AA
7160 Vila Viçosa
Telefone :268999805 ( das 10:00h às 12h e das 16h às 18:00h )

Our E-mail:




write us!


  to the  INDEX of  THE BOOK






by Joanus + Frater


And when they ask you

Where the Temple is ,in which the cross blooms,

You will say: we are that Temple

And on us the Rose lives

And feeds the Cross that the World is.






1.1 The Book of Life is the one where the names are of those who will be saved in the times that are close, the times of the end.

1.2 The names of the chosen ones are in it, the names that the Angel of the Lord will name, when the hour of the Child's manifestation has sounded.

1.3 In the Book of Life the names are of all those that the Lord has received in His breast and that He has chosen among the living and the dead ones, so that they sow the soil of the nations with His word and they take the good news to all those who believe: that word is the religion of the Saints of the Cross, that word is the one of the Holy Spirit.


1.4 The Book of Life is the Book of the Revelation for the times that are close: the times of the end. It is also the continuation of two other books: John's Gospel and the Apocalypse.

1.5 In it these two will be explained and a third will be drawn, which will be their synthesis. This synthesis concerns the Child's Era and the future of the world.


1.6 The word is the name and the name is the word. The Word is the Verb, and the Verb is Christ.

1.7 The Word has to be uttered so that the chosen ones wake up from the dream and travel the earth sowing a new era of peace and harmony.

1.8 This Word is their names and it is the force that has created them and makes them live. This Word comes through the Child and through those that announce it : its prophets. This Word is alive.


1.9 It is not a common word, but a living force. Pronouncing it is invoking the force and it is bringing the sleeping ones back to life. It is rescueing them out of the limbo and making them live.

1.10 The Word is born from the Father and only the Child can say it.


The secret of the ones who sleep lies in the Word. Their lives are there, likely to be born again. But who will say it before the Child can do it? The prophets will say it and the cycle will begin this way .


1.11 There are twelve names in the Book of Life, twelve times twelve times twelve.

1.12 The first ones are the guiding masters, they are the seed that will bloom ; the second ones are their shadows in this world, their flesh double and the third ones are all those that were chosen to announce the good news to the world.


1.13 The first ones are the pure Word, the second ones are those who heard the Word and transformed it into action, the third ones are those who came out of the encounter between the Word and the action: they are the hands of the Lord.


1.14 On the first ones the Lord has imposed His will, on the second ones His love and on the third ones His action has become visible

1.15 This is the cycle of the Lord, and its fruit will be the Child that will testify to the Holy Spirit's manifestation. It will testify to it through the Verb and through the imposition of Its raised right hand.


1.16 The Child will be born of the Man, as the seeds that perpetuate the flower sprout from it .

1.17 The Child is fruit of the Man, and the Man is fruit of God. The Child is both fruit and jump on the future, both the one that continues and the one that is beyond the continuation, because with it a new time begins, and this one has no genesis.


1.18 The new times begin with it : the times of the man's integral accomplishment on earth, those of the great fraternity among all of the living things.

1.19 The Child will open the doors that the evil has closed : each man's doors and all men's doors, as if each one of us were a sealed room. The Child will open the door, and we will be born again.


1.20 This is the Child's mystery, and its power is in this life.

1.21 The Child is the innocence and the purity of that which nothing has stained. It is the crystalline white.

1.22 But when its hand rises, it is the very Lord that rises in it; when its voice sounds, it will be the very Lord 's voice that will sound, and woe to the one that refuses to follow it ! That one will be confounded and hurled down into the abyss of forgetfulness.


to the  INDEX of  THE BOOK









2.1 This is the Book of IOAN, the one in whose ancestry those that announce the arrival of the Lord were born.

2.2 They come to announce the Lord and to grub up His paths and to announce His pact with the world. They come to prophesy the good news.


2.3 This is the Book of IOAN's prophet's last generation. The book which closes the cycle that started with the manifestation of IESUS, the Christ.

2.4 It is also the last days' saints' testimony, those that chose the nation of light for their manifestation, before the Child's coming. Those that used the Rose-Cross name , and in whose midst the prophet's message stayed alive through the eras.


2.5 The mysteries of the Rose-Cross are in it , and the mysteries that the prophet embodied in himself. The Child's revelation is in it as well as the Lord's plan for His world. The Verb that the time will transform into word is in it , through the action of the ones that the Lord has chosen to follow Him.

The hand of the Lord is still in it , opened over His world. The hand where the white stone shines, which is the open and fixed eye of the Lord . Its light doesn't cast shadow, on the contrary , it makes everything transparent and diffuse.


2.6 This is the Book that the prophets will use, and on which they will testify in the last days. The Law will be in it ,and the Law will be the Word , and through the living Word the Lord will be seen .

2.7 The Lord lives in the Word, as the song lives in the singer's lips. And when the Word is said, the Lord is in it and He gives it life.

2.8 That's why the Word of the Lord either saves and redeems the one that both hears and receives it in his bosom , or silences and hushes the one that is full of vanity and wind . The Lord blows into him as into a balloon and he vanishes in the sky to be lost in the abyss.


to the   INDEX of  THE BOOK









3.1 Here it is the book of the living creatures' generation, where She-the-One that caused everything to be born out of Her own self will make Herself known to those that are capable to break the barrier of the dream and to awake .

3.2 Where the mistakes and the traps that hide in the labyrinths of the human soul will be revealed, because unless the dream is limpid and the one that dreams it is conscious and masters himself, nowhere will it be able to lead him .


3.3 The Mother's mystery is the one of the shady cave. It is there that the wild animal that will devour us hides. And unless we are devoured and the experience of that death is assumed, no light can we reach.


3.4 The path of the awakening is the path of the wild animal, it is the path of the enemy that stalks from the shady darkness, that very darkness where both the dreams and the fears sleep, where life sleeps too.


3.5 And life is like a translucent stone, an egg where a hidden and secret being sleeps, half darkness half light.

3.6 In each cycle twelve Masters assemble around the egg and take it to the deepest and most secret cave .

3.7 In that place they put it on an altar, and afterwards in the Mother's womb for she will bear it .

3.8 When the moment of the childbirth occurs, from the entrails of the earth those that will fight for the possession of the world are born: the ones who have the clear skin and that live under the sign of the sun, which they worship ; and the ones who have the dark skin and that live under the sign of the moon, that they worship.


3.9 These two races don't meet, except for the beginning and end of the cycles: in the beginning in order to divide the world amongst themselves and to separate the powers and the functions that concern each one; and in the end for the supreme fight, from the solution of which the very gods' survival will depend , they who keep vigil, somewhere.


3.10 One day, it is said, from the egg a third race will be born. Late and transparent race, in which the gods and the demons will join in synthesis.

3.11 But that will only happen when the last days are close, and the very gods and demons, exhausted by the long wait, no longer have any purpose for man .


3.12 Then fire will unite with ice and it will beget light. Such a raw and transparent light, that no creature will be able to face it without losing his reason. This light will transform the very world and will make it resemble a star .

3.13 The last childbirth of the earth will be at that time. And those that used to be born in the cave, will be born in the center of the world, there where an invisible sun, a fiery sun exists.

3.14 Therefrom , from that sun transfigured into maternal and apocalyptic uterus, those who will take the last dive will be born and they will dare the last flight, before they melt into each other, and each one into everything.

3.15 Those will be the last ones to see the light and the darkness. After them there will only be the one that was born out of the many, and that is the one that carries in himself the Father's Will and the Mother's Love: the one that is, really and visibly, the vertex of the divine triangle. That one is also Christ.


3.16 Out of his generation (or of his seed) the twelve Masters of the future cycle will be born - Those that have for mission to go from world to world, to seal the pacts and to restore the unit. And thus the Great Work will have continuation.


3.17 Here the secret lies : understand it if you will . And by understanding or not what has been written, should one's soul keep silent and be attentive to the voice that comes from within . For the deep truths do not exclude each other, but rather integrate into a sole greater truth . For that very reason it is necessary to listen and to be attentive.


3.18 Each man must be a yielding tool in which the spirit that comes from the sky and the spirit that is born of the earth get mixed and share alike.

3.19 Since the man's function is to be channel and alchemic oven, for the celebration of the nuptialses both of celestial and terrestrial powers, and for the hermaphrodite's creation, this being the living bridge that unites the two worlds and that, by accomplishing them inside of himself, accomplishes them in their respective dimensions.


to the INDEX of  THE BOOK









4.1 The creatures' existence is the aching of the soul. For as these live in the threshold of reality, they remain deviated from the Father's laws and in contradiction with them.

4.2 The soul suffers with this seclusion, with this rupture, so much more than it was created to unite. And this Union is accomplished through love, the soul serving as a bridge.


4.3 It is pain and it is growth. It is also tension that establishes the search of the return, then the larger the removal from the center is , the larger will the attraction exercised on the periphery be. Until the moment when , in an utmost of tension, the polarity is inverted, and that which led to the removal becomes that which will lead to the return, to perform the synthesis and to create the unity.


4.4 Meanwhile the soul establishes relationships, filters the integral reality before this one reaches the being's level, so that the being is touched and may remember, one day; but not with the aim of preventing him from trying, according to his needs and to the tools that the destiny gives to him.

4.5 An ungrateful task this is , that success not always crowns, as the being may regress and go beyond the limit within which life becomes possible; or he may prefer annihilation and hurl himself down into the limbo.


4.6 Waiting is the soul's concern , like the one that meditates over an empty wall, where only silence and the gaze lost in the distance announce some awakening, somewhere.

4.7 Waiting and being attentive, since the smallest sign may indicate the moment of acting and,once this is lost , everything gets confused again.


Concern of a mother that watches over her son's dreaming , or of a lover that watches over the lover's pleasure, or even of a muse that observes the moment of becoming an inspiration guide as well as a transcendence symbol.

4.8 Vision also, but of realities that escape the routine of the lines and of the order that we want to set on everything.

4.9 Vision of elements in natural state, like the state of light without the bed of fire to express itself, and also vision of the confluence of the lines with which the gods weave the blanket of destiny for all of the things. Blanket that wagers on the absurdity and on the irrational as an only way of expressing itself entirely.


4.10 The soul sees all this , and though it does not see as we do , it senses. Its conscious contact may thence transform scales of values, and so make possible what was not possible before.

4.11 As if the doors of miracle were opened for the one who allows himself to be taken by this image that assumes all of the lines that our ideal has created and has given to the feminine.

This explains those overlappings, either of image or of symbol, among those beings that were lodged on the altars of the temples to manifest the Mother, and that other one that we bring with us when we come to manifestation.

4.12 Where the earthly will indicate the soulful or, at least, will let us know its fundamental signs. This explains the diversity of the faces that for some may be maternal and for others sweet or even diabolical.

4.13 This way the terrors of the labyrinth as well as the fascination of the abyss are revealed to us.

4.14 Double truth and double fancy : truth in what there may be of transcendent in the symbol, fancy in what there is of projection and fear of that mother that was physical.


4.15 The path of the soul is the one of the transcendence of the limits with which we were born: as everything that is fundamental.

Its accessibility is also a barrier. Its Ísis' veils are those of the apparent reality, that for some may be walls of insurmountable stone, where the game of the masks and of the faces follows endlessly and without apparent purpose, which bewilders the one that cannot know how to see inside of himself and stop the carrousel of chance.


to the INDEX of  THE BOOK









A Grande Mãe é a alma de todas as coisas. Ela anima a Natureza e cada um dos seres que a integram, servindo de canal às forças celestes sobre a terra, ou servindo de ligação entre o Pai e cada um dos Seus filhos.5/1


Casada com a terra, procriou todos os seus frutos: animados e inanimados, carnais ou subtis, deuses ou demónios.5/2

Casada com o Pai deu origem aos Seus filhos: deu origem ao Plano Divino para o mundo.5/3


Casada com a terra, transformou-se no mundo. Não apenas no solo que tudo alimenta, mas sobretudo na força que o anima e cria.5/4

Casada com o Pai, transformou-se na Sua sombra, no Seu duplo, corporizado cósmicamente pela Lua, Sua face visível.5/5


Para os seres vivos, é o laço que os une aos poderes celestes. Laço que todos os seres podem tornar mais forte, solidarizando-se uns com os outros; ou enfraquecer, ligando-se àqueles que tendem ao aniquilamento e à dissolução.5/6


É também a ponte que urge percorrer, se queremos retornar à fonte de onde tudo brotou, fazendo o caminho inverso ao da manifestação, e usando, mais uma vez, esse laço invisível que tudo une: o amor, a Senhora, assumindo-nos, como parte Sua, integral e consciente, e tomando-A como esposa e mãe.5/7

Melhor ainda: como destino a talhar dia a dia, barro que o sangue, a saliva e o esperma penetrarão de vida, pois que todo o processo é de ordem alquímica, e é preciso realizar essa cópia de vida a que os antigos chamaram homúnculo, transferindo para ele a consciência, e dando-lhe a liberdade de ser diferente.5/8

Já que, por não ter nascido da mulher, à carne não estará submetido, nem os poderes dos deuses sobre ele pesarão.5/9

Recriação da obra divina, feita à sua revelia, e tomando pelos atalhos que toda a obra contém, mas querendo o mesmo, ou seja, a imortalidade tripla:5/10

Da matéria que é a base do mundo, da alma que é o sangue ou a Senhora, e do espírito que é aquilo que há de eterno em tudo.5/11


E só a Senhora permite tal, por transcender o mundo e ser uma só com ele, alimentando-o com o Seu leite alvo, que é esse telurismo que, em contacto com a terra, se faz vermelho como o sangue.5/12

Ou invocando sobre o mundo a esfera do Pai, e fazendo cair sobre ele para a fusão das energias - esse outro leite que nasce da mente do Eterno e que, atingindo o plano físico, se transforma em tudo que é verde.5/13


Duas energias que Ela une e transforma, dando origem aos seres que são metade físicos e metade anímicos.5/14

Barro onde Ela soprou vida, para que o céu possa ser tomado por aqueles que são a síntese, o ponto de convergência do espaço e do tempo, realizando o propósito divino, pois que o céu é, acima de tudo, ponto de retorno e cadinho alquímico, onde os melhores irão, para renovar as forças fundamentais e dar ao Pai a possibilidade de escalar mais um degrau na escala do infinito.5/15


Eis a génese do mal, ou da inversão do propósito primeiro, feito através da mulher ou, o mesmo é dizer, dessa lua negra que a esconde e oculta. Propósito que os deuses querem e abençoam, ou não existiria.5/16

Fraco é o nosso entendimento sobre isto, pois que as eras se alternam entre si e aquilo que era branco, é agora negro e o inverso é também verdade. O que obriga a desacreditar dos textos e apela, unicamente, ao contacto directo e sem fronteiras com a alma divina.5/17


Já que a luz, de tão forte na sua origem, pode cegar aqueles que a fitam e, cegos para ela, podem imaginar que a sua escuridão lhes é transmissível; ou quererem vê-la sempre da mesma maneira, ignorando que, de mundo para mundo e de era para era, muda a sua cor e a sua finalidade se altera.5/18


Nada é definitivo a não ser Deus. Só Esse ignora a transformação das coisas e, mudando com elas, permanece sereno e imutável. O Seu centro, feito de tempo congelado e matéria que não foi plasmada, não conhece o ritmo da mudança nem a paixão da realização. Permanece e basta-lhe.5/19


Mas saídos desse ponto onde tudo é o que é, mudam-se as forças e cai-se no escorregadio das ilusões e das realidades sem fim. Penetra-se no véu de Ísis e toma-se por eterno o que já não o é.5/20


Descidos à matéria, submetidos às suas leis de metamorfose contínua, importa abrir as portas da percepção, e não tomar por definitivo o que não lhe foi dado sê-lo.5/21

A menos que a Senhora, desvelando-se e abrindo-nos o seio, nos faça participes do banquete com que Deus honra os escolhidos. Mas aí só se chega no fim de tudo.5/2


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 to the PROLOGUE 


I- The Book of Life is

II-  This is IOAN´S Book

III-  Here it is the Book of the Being´s Creation

IV-  The Being´s Life is the Pain of the Soul

V-  La Gran Madre es el Alma   

VI-  El Libro de la Vida

VII-  Cuando la Palabra Suene 

VIII-  En el Huevo Está el Germen

IX-  He aquí la Génesis de los Mundos

X-  Las Huestes del Señor

XI-  El Espíritu del Señor Vigila

XII-  La Verdad del Señor

XIII-   He Aquí el Libro Hace Mucho Esperado

XIV-   Este es el Libro del Señor

XV-   La Palabra del Señor

XVI-   En el Corazón del Mundo

XVII-  El Señor es Fuego

XVIII-  La Palabra del Señor Quema en los Labios

XIX-  La Mano del Señor está Suspendida

XX-  En Tu Generación Escribiré un Libro

XXI-   Este es el Libro que ya Era

XXII-   Que Aquel que Camina

XXIII-   La Vida de los Seres es la Gloria del Señor

XXIV-   La Sangre es el Espíritu Crucificado

XXV-    El Fuego del Señor Cae Sobre el Alma

XXVI-  La Palabra del Señor es Como una Nuez

XXVII-  La Carne del Hombre es Como un Campo

XXVIII-  El Génesis de los Seres Comienza en Adan

XXIX-  Y en el Tercer Día

XXX-   En el Principio Era el Verbo

XXXI-  Y en el Séptimo Día

XXXII-  El Verbo es la Carne

XXXIII-   Veo una Rosa

XXXIV-    Veo un Dragón Alado

XXXV-    Y en el Tercer Día

XXXVI-   El Ángel del Señor

XXXVII I-  El Señor es un Guerrero

XXXVIIII-  En las Entrañas del Mundo

XXXIXI-  Hay Siete Naciones Sagradas

XL-  En el Centro del Mundo

XLI-  Sobre el Promontorio Sacro

XLII-  Un Dragón de Fuego

XLIII-   En el Principio Era el Caos

XLIV-   Todo Parte del Padre

XLV-    Un Gran Atanor

XLVI-  Sobre el Mundo

XLVII -    La Palabra del Señor

XLVIII-  Y en el Tercer Día

XLIX-  El Reino del Padre

L-  Siete Ángeles el Señor Envió




LII-  He aquí el Libro del Señor

LIII-  El Señor es Como un Jardinero

LIII-   Tres Fuegos hay en el Hombre

LIV- El Camino del Hombre

LV-  Ante el Señor Tres Símbolos

LVI-   Una Cruz de Fuego

LVII-  El Espíritu de Dios Habló

LVIIII-  Una Columna Ardiente

LIXI-  Cuando el Libro Estuviera Escrito

LXXI-  En Un Templo Ignorado y Oculto

LXI-  Lo Que es el Mundo

 LXIII-  Exultad, oh Hijos de la Lusitania

LXIIII-  Exulta, oh Lusitania

LXIV-  Alégrate, oh Lusitania

LXV-    Un Libro Sellado

LXVI-   Tres Medicinas hay en la Rosa

LXVII-   Un Consolador yo os Envié

LXVIII-  La Palabra del Señor

LXIX-  El Señor lo Concibió

LXX-  Sólo hay un Señor y un Siervo

LXXI-  Sobre el Borde del Abismo

LXXII-  Sobre un Libro Cerrado

LXXIII-  El Mundo es Como Una Torre

LXXIV-  El Espíritu del Señor

LXXV-    Una Vara Bajo el Firmamento

LXXVI-   Entre el Cielo y la Tierra

LXXVII-  El Conocimiento de las Cosas de Cielo

LXXVIII-  He Aquí el Gran Vacío

LXXIX-   Todo el Comienzo es Involuntario

LXXX-  Una Llama en el Medio de un Círculo

LXXXI-    El Espíritu del Señor

LXXXII-   El Alma es como una Perla

LXXXIII-   Hay la Obra y hay el Hacedor de la Obra

LXXXIV-   Y en el Tercer Día

LXXXV-   Toda la Obra es Incierta

LXXXVI-  En la Sombra se Agacha

LXXXVIII-  Hay la Obra y hay el Señor de la Obra

LXXXVIIII-  A Qué se Ha de Comparar la Obra

LXXXIX-   Es el Mundo Como una Esfera

XC-   No hay Mayor Alquimia

XCI-  El Libro no es la Obra

XCII-  En el Medio de una Esfera de Negrura

XCIII-  El Espíritu del Señor

XCIV-  Del Limbo el Señor Llamó

XCV-   El Espíritu de la Obra

XCVI-   Una Mano Ardiente en El Cielo

XCVII-  Sólo Hay un Secreto bajo el Cielo

XCVIII-  El Espíritu del Señor es Como una Luz

XCIX-   La Palabra es Vida

C-  Sangre y Lágrimas

CI-   El Espíritu de las Tinieblas

CII-   El Hombre es como una Cáscara Vacía

CIII-  Una Zarza Ardiente

CIV-   Una Vara de Fuego contra el Firmamento







 to the PROLOGUE 







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