Thursday, July 10 2003

The theme of the day from is "Ground Level".
Check out their new website!

Inspiration: This week's theme comes from Albert of Filterpaper.Net. He suggested your photographs this week be taken with your camera placed flat on the ground.

A Different Perspective

Have you ever taken the time to look up at the night sky on a clear night, and looked at the millions of stars that appear so tiny. Have you ever made a circle around the moon with your forefinger and thumb? From this perspective, it appears no bigger than a quarter. From a distance, things appear small and insignificant.

On the other hand, we often take for granted the little things that are below us. A plant is just a plant until we study it closely and examine the different shades of color and textures and realize that this was created from just a tiny little seed.

We often get wrapped up in our own little world, with our own needs and wants and problems, that we easily forget to take the time to look at things from a different point of view.

Ann Marie
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