All About Amber

Name: Amber Cox
Age: 27
Location: SE Wisconsin (Considering Relocation)
Height: 5'8
Weight: Proportionate To Height
Hair: Blonde (Very Long)

Best Features: I am very blessed to have gotten wonderfully soft skin from my mother, along with naturally long eyelashes that could sweep the floor. Thanks mom.

Worst Features: I was cursed to receive my father's eyes. Some people say they are big and beautiful, but to me they are just big. Oh well, at least I got a nice set of full, lucious lips from him. Thanks dad.

A Little About Me:

I am a 27 year old T-Gurl living in South East Wisconsin, close to the Illinois border. I am using the word T-Gurl very loosely here. To be more specific, I am a closeted cross dresser, who is dreaming of full time transition and anxiously preparing to make those first bold steps into the world I should have had since birth.

Although I am still only in my cross dressing phase, I can be quite cute and passable when fully dressed. I am often called ma'am by strangers in public even when I do not try to look feminine, as I have a lot of very naturally feminine characteristics and mannerisms.

For those of you who wish to know more about me, click on the appropriate links below to find out more about the area that interests you.

Links About Amber:

Amber's Professional Life: Take a moment to find out about my professional life, or what there is of one anyway (lol). Who knows, maybe you'll come up with an idea of what I can do once I begin my full time transition.

Amber's Sexuality: Not a lot that can be said about this area that can't be figured out from reading the title. You find no hardcore erotic stories here, but it will give you a glimpse into my turn ons and the things that make me tick.

Amber's Perfect Life: All girls have dreams of what their perfect life would be. Some girls dream of a life where they can party every night, others fantasize about a white picket fence and a dog named spot. Take a peek at this section to see what my perfect life would consist of.

Amber's Thoughts On Love: Yes, it's a complicated subject, and you probably won't find the secret to love here, but you will get a glimpse into my thoughts on the subject, which is all I can truly offer.

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