Ways You Can Help:

Let's face it, being a girl is expensive, being a TGirl is even worse. If you think it's difficult to make it now, imagine finding yourself having the normal cost of living, plus having the additional expenses of replacing your wardrobe, stocking up on make up from scratch, therapy, hormones and all of the other things that go along with making yourself into a creature of beauty.

Listed below are some way you can help me obtain my goals of relocating and becoming a stunning, yet elegant, woman. Many of them will not cost you a dime, others only a minute contribution, but there is definitely something here for everyone. Please take a moment to browse through the options below, and take the time to do one or two of them to help me out, please. It will be more appreciated than you could ever know.

Top 100 Sites: Participating in Top 100 sites is a very simple concept. The more clicks I send to them, the higher I am ranked in their listing, and the more traffic I receive in return. More traffic for my site means achieving my goals much faster, so you can help me a great deal by clicking on the top 100 links each time you visit my site. You will find a listing of Top 100 TGurl sites on my Links Page. Please click on one or more (how about all) of them to help me get a little extra traffic to my site.

Graphics: I could really use some nice banners, buttons and other miscellaneous images to help make my site a little prettier. If you have the talent, and would like to help, please email me to let me know what you can do.

Pics: I am in very bad need of some self pics, which seem to be difficult for me to do on my own right now. If you are in Southern Wisconsin or Northern Illinois, and have a digital cam, please email me and let's try to schedule a photo shoot.

Shemale Porn: Believe it or not, there are people that come to this site not because they are interested in me, but because they want to find the hottest TGurls on the net (you know who you are). If this is your thing, then please check out some of the porn sites listed on my Links Page. The commissions earned will allow me to achieve my goals much faster, and if you are going to spend money on porn anyway, it's almost the same as costing you nothing.

Monetary Contribution: Many of you have emailed me with your generosity, offering to send monetary contributions. I had always refused, although I was always greatly flattered and appreciated the offer. However, I realize that every nickle I get puts me a little closer to achieving my goals. If you are so kind as to offer a contribution to my transition, no matter how small, you may send it via PayPal to my email address (amberc73@sissify.com). I hate to accept anything without giving something in return, but really have nothing to offer. If you have any ideas, please email me.

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