Amber's Favorite song: "The Westminser Song"
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If you go to Westminster College's Web page, read press releases, or interview Professors you will get " THE COMPANY LINE"  Here you will get the real deal, a perspective of WC (put into a musical song) from actual students.  WC wants you to think the College is perfect, but some students feel it is far from that..  Listen up! Amber really liked this Band.  The song is 3 MB, put is worth the wait.  Dial up connection should take about 20 to 30 min.
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Amber did a lot of Partying in College, and this was her favorite song.  She really liked the sound and the lyrics of this band.
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This song is called " THE WESTMISNTER SONG" and was written in 1998 by a 4 member band called,  MOPED VICTORY QUARTET
This band was comprised of 4 Westminster Students (now Alumni). 

Vocal & Guitar:  Zack Orr
Drums:  Matt Nickerson
Bass:  Roger Panilla
Guitar:  Dave Horn

The song pokes fun at the very existence and culture at Westminster College.  Ripping into the soicalled friendly/cool students at this small college. Basically calling most students at WC fakes and sellouts.  It is really a funny song, and it ROCKS!!!
If you want to get a hold of their agent,
click here.
Lyrics from the song:
at W.C. " everyone wants to be your confidant, your long lost friend"

Singing about how all the students think they have skewed views:  " but not too much to make their parents mad, because that is where the money comes from"

" Tired of playing HS in the College Way"

"  I am tired of all the fakes, dressing up on parents day, tell your mom you are on the pill and you might get my respect that way.
The Incident
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Joan D
Welcome to the sky
Want to get a hold of the band..
Email their Agent
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The Company line from the Pres.. Read WC's Philosphy and Purpose then listen to the Song...  Which view is right??