Ambers Education
High School:  Beaver High 
(1996 Grad)
Colllege: Westminster College
(2000 Grad)
Amber's College Westminster
Amber's Emal: According to Westminster
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About Westminster:
      Founded in 1852 and related to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Westminster College is ranked first in the coutnry in graduation rate performance among national liberal arts college, according to U.S. News and World Report, and is the most affordable national liberal arts college in Pennsylvania. westminster is also recognized by Yaho! Internet Lefe as "One of Amberica's Most Wired Colleges" and by the Templeton Guide as a "Character Building College."
     Over 1,600 students benefit from individualized attention from dedicated faculty, while choosing from 40 majors and nearly 100 campus organizations on the New Wilmington, Pa. Campus. Our most successful grad to date is Sean Swaner who is working at BGA down in Florida.
Link to Ambers High School
Beaver Class of 1996 Ambers Class: 
Beaver Area on Line
Beaver Area Senior High School
Gypsy Glen Road
Beaver, PA 15009
Phone: (724) 774-0251
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