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"You've made it to the best looking helicopter pilot on the worlds web page....My name is Chief Warrant Officer Cary Nadeau,  " Ansbach Germany
"I am SFC Dan. A proud American. A proud soldier. A noncommissioned officer in America’s greatest military force, the US Army. And this is my Bunker."
"About us: 5th Plt is located in Ansbach, Germany. 1st MP Co is part of the Big Red One family, which is headquartered in Wuerzburg, Germany. "
"Hi Welcome to my page. My name is Mary and I am a SSG in the US Army. I work as an Air Traffic Controller.
"Hi, I'm Simone.. I'm very involved with the Family Readiness Group (FRG), I'm the Platoon FRG leader and the newsletter editor and I'm an AFTB Instructor. You can read more about the FRG and AFTB under Army life."
Home Support: Military Spouses
"This site is dedicated to my great uncle PFC Hollis A. Cloyd. He was born 19 March 1919 in Lufkin, TX. He served with "I" Company, 138th Infantry of the Alaskan Defense Command from June 1942 until June 1944 at Ft. Glenn, Umnak Island, Aleutians.
Those who served us proudly,  Our Veterans!
" Stop by for a visit! I have made a Committees Page with all the groups that I'm active with. "
A special thanks to Chuck "Doc Gecko" for his permission to use his extraordinary works on this page.  Please consider investing your time to see his works of love.
Welcome home, We are proud of you! ---The West Family
"with Liberty, and Justice for All!"
I love you in live and death
"Will you die for him?"--The 7th sign
My father lives because of you.  Thank you, I'll never forget.
Our service members fight for the religious freedoms we enjoy.  If your religious symbol is not amongst the circle that surrounds our lost military members, please email me your religion's symbol and I will post it.  Our service members come from all races, creeds and RELIGIONS.  Religous freedom is your right thanks to our Military Service MEN and WOMEN, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE!

Goddess Dawn E. West CRT,RCP and
Reverend Robert D. West
Universal Life Church

Welcome to the Round Table.  This page is dedicated to my King, Robert D. West, Sgt USArmy.
In memory of those who have fallen from our side since we started serving.  1984-2001.
SPC Elizabeth Cox (link coming soon)
Vilseck Germany
Come and visit where we are stationed!