INSTRUCTIONS:  Use this format for all written assignments unless otherwise instructed.: 
_________________________________TOP OF THE PAGE ________________________________________

                                                                                                                      Your Name
                                                                                                                      Date Assignment Due
                                                                                                                      Assignment e.g. Lesson Plan


ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT (EXAMPLE). Interview a senior citizen (over 55) and determine whether he or she thinks family influence patterns have changed since his or her childhood.  Discuss the changes and compare with the way it is today.  (Chapter 2)

     To receive full credit for your assignment, follow these directions.  For the heading of your papers, come

down one-half inch from the top of the page.  Type the information as shown above.  Come down three lines,

and center the title of your paper and type it in bold and in all capital letters.  Use a  one inch margin all the way

around your paper.  Put your name at the upper right hand side of the paper one/half  inch from the top on all

pages after the first page.  Number each page in the lower right hand side one-half inch from the bottom of the


      Use 12 point type with either Times of Helvetica font.  A sample of required heading is in the upper right

hand corner.  Use correct grammar and spelling.  Your margin should be an inch all around.  Double space the

body of your paper.  The heading should be  single spaced.  Your paper should consist of about three

paragraphs, and each paragraph should be indented and have from three to eight sentences. The length of each

paper will depend on the assignment, but most of the assignments should be from two to three pages in length.. 

Form will be a part of your grade.  If you need help with your writing skills, you may get assistance in the TJC

Writing Lab.  The web address is at the top of this page.

     On your assignments, include the assignment statement in the first paragraph after the heading.

This should be single spaced; your response should be double spaced.  Be sure that you read and complete the

entire assignment.

     If for any reason your assignment is late, you must give a written reason for not turning it in on time.  If you

do this, the assignment will be accepted even though it is late.  No points are deducted for being late, but bonus

points are earned for work turned in on time.

     All written work should be a minimum of three paragraphs.  Each paragrph should contain a minimum of

three sentences and usually no more than eight sentences.  Grammar and language rules should apply.  Watch for
comma errors.  The final paragraph should be some sort of conclusion or reaction to the information in your
