Hgeocities.com/amendments03/Amendment1.htmlgeocities.com/amendments03/Amendment1.htmllayedxJ{ OKtext/html? b.HFri, 14 Feb 2003 04:11:53 GMTWMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *J Amendment 1

Amendment 1 (1791)

Translation: Congress cannot make a law that violates freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, and freedom to protest peacefully.

History: Amendment 1 is the Basis of living in America. It states the basic freedoms that the colonists did not have because England denied them of most rights. When James Madison sat down to write the Bill of Rights the first Amendments he added were rights that England had not let them have. The Colonists protested, and newspapers disowned the English government. For these many were jailed, just for speaking out against the government. Many left England for religious freedom and when making the Bill of Rights Madison kept that in mind. That is why one of the basic freedoms is freedom of religion.

Personal meaning: This Amendment isn't just important to me its important to all Americans. With out this amendment all news would be sent though the government first, and any one speaking out against the Government would be jailed (there would be no more room in prison). This Amendment is especially important to me because I am half Jewish and half Catholic, if there was no freedom of religion my ancestors never would have came to America. If it wasn't for the liberal freedoms of religion, my parents never would have gotten married and I never would have been born so I would think this Amendment would hold special value to me.