Hgeocities.com/amercn_grl/debbie.htmgeocities.com/amercn_grl/debbie.htmdelayedxNJG6OKtext/html?6b.HThu, 18 Aug 2005 00:54:35 GMT-Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *NJ6 About Me

About Me
Hello web suffers geeks atvers and all others who my pass this way

My name is Debbie.

My screen name is amercn_grl @yahoo.com.

I live In Maine, United States Of America.

I am a single mother. I have Three children one girl who is my first, two boys one in college and one married and four grand children who are the best.

My Mom always said my stubbornness would be my down side in life, but I have found it to be one of my best strengths It helps me achieve want I would like do you in life as I am very easy going and carefree person who likes to see other enjoy life and do what I can to lend a helping hand.

I am always ready for a challenge and an adventage. Two years ago I bought myself an ATV 2002 Yamaha 400 auto 4/2 wheel drive machine.Last year I became an ATV safty instuctor for the Turner Timberland ATV club In Turner Maine. I enjoy riding the Trails and meeting new People There always something new out on the trails to experience and to challege your skills as an rider. If any of you go riding, maybe I will get to meet you out on the trails it is always fun to ride with other atvers.

I am an outdoors kinda person at the momment I live in town or the city so I don't get to do a lot of out doors stuff at home. I like to go camping. There is nothing like wakeing to the fresh air and a camp fire. I like hiking and exploring trails. I enjoy the wilderness seeing wild life deers and bunnies flowers rocks trees water and just the beauty of the land. I like going to the ocean and walk along the beach listening to the surf. I hope to get a canoe sometime and paddle along the lakes and rivers and maybe get chance to do some fishing. I enjoy the water even thou I am not big on swimming.

I like to be creative and enjoy taking pictures. I am tring scrapbooking as I have lots of pictures and need to get them ogainized. Any one interested in any of my pictures you see you get intouch with me at debbie_photos. I can have prints made for you. If you should see a picture you don't want on the web again contact me at debbie_photos and I can have it removed. If you see me out on the trail and want a picture ticken ask me, if don't want me to take the picture tell me I can delete it If you want no probelm that the beauty of digital world. If you have met me out on the trail, you alrady know I like to take pictures and I take a lot of them.

some of my other intersts are:

going to The Renaisance faire

web design

house plants as i don't have a yard



making crafts

I enjoy listening to music I love that good old time rock and roll.

I am tring to get more in touch with my spritual side of life it is a growing and living experience and appreciate all the God has giving me.

Thank You for stopping by my space on the web and any imput you may have I would like to hear it. You are welcome to sign my guest book or email me at amercn_grl. I do hope you will come back again no telling where life will take me next as I am open to new experiences and imput is always welcome.


ok what do I do now

My best friend took this picture. He was a brave man riding on the back I was so glad he was there.

Would you belive

He jumps off the machine

Grabs the camera instead of the Wench

Starts talking pictures

Thankfully these atvers come along and offered a hand

Thank you Guys

Isn't it great atvers just love to have fun and are always willing to offer a helping hand

Timberland Mud Run Champion 2003

My Favorite Links:
to find the mud
My picture Gallery
My Info:
Name: Debbie Leclair
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