Hgeocities.com/american_eagle1a/paycheck.htmlgeocities.com/american_eagle1a/paycheck.htmlelayedxJO,OKtext/html?,b.HFri, 19 Jul 2002 07:18:05 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *J, Remember The Innocent~Outlaws Prayer~


Johnny Paycheck
Outlaws Prayer

You know I worked a big packageded show in Fortworth last Saturday Night
We had allday Sunday to rest and relax
Before I caught another flight
So I decided to walk downtown, Get myself a little fresh air.
Before long I found myself in front of a big church on the corner of the square

Boy I could hear that singing way out in the streets
This here was a beautiful sound
So I just walked up the steps and opened the door.Started to go inside and sit down
But before I could a young man walked up over to me, He said "Excuse me sir
But I can't let you in with that big black hat, Those jeans, that beard, and long hair".
So I just left,
Went back outside, Sit down on that curve, And I thought to myself,
That's the house of the Lord that guy has a hell of a never, Telling me I can't worship anywheres I please.
So right there in front of that church
I just knelt down on my knees.

I said "Lord, I know I don't look like much But I didn't think you would mind
I just wanted to be with your people Lord, It's been a long time, While ago I saw a wineo over there in the alley
All bent over in tears, And I thought how 1 stained glass window from this church could feed his family for years
Then their is those fine cars parked outside, Too many for me to count Made me think how people walked for days to hear your surman on the mountain
Then their is those fine ladies in the chour Lord, Singing like they really love it
Hell last night they was dancing on the front row of my show, Drinking beer and screaming sinshoving
You know even John the Baptist wouldn't be welcomed in this place With his coat made of camel hair,
Sandles on his feet, and a long beard on his face. You know Lord, when you come back to get your children
And take them beyond the clouds To live forever in Heaven with you Well,I would sure hate to be in this crowd

You know Lord, I'm not perfect, Some even call me no count. But I'll tell ya I belive a man is Judged by whats in his heart Not his bank account.
So if this is what Religon is, A big car, suit and tie, then I might aswell forget it Lord, Cause I can't qualife.
Oh by the way Lord, Right before they kicked me out, Didn't I see a picture of you?
With sandles and a beard, I belive you had long hair too. Well this is Paycheck signing off
I'll be seeing you Lord, I hope



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