Hgeocities.com/american_eagle2us/awards.htmlgeocities.com/american_eagle2us/awards.htmlelayedxJyOKtext/htmlyb.HSun, 30 Jun 2002 21:34:39 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *Jy Remember The Innocent~Award Page1~

Welcome to my awards page.
Just incase your wondering why these awards are so big
I don't alter my awards in any form or fashion
I put them up like I recive them

Thanks to everyone that thought my site was good enough to have these Awards.
I will keep them on my site with honors.
Please click on the awards below to visit these lovely people's home on the net.
And sign their guestbook to let them know how much of a great job everyone is doing.
It is very much appreciated.

This was my first Award

Thanks Charlie

Thanks Irene

Thanks So Much Advice Angel

Thanks So Much Advice Angel

Thanks So Much Kate

Thanks Kathleen

Thanks Kathleen

Thanks to everyone
That vote Gold for me

Thanks Majestic Angel

Thanks Majestic Angel

Thanks Love Petals

Thanks To All The Angels
That Vote For Me

Please Visit my Site Map for all the pages.
Thank You

Site Map