ЁHgeocities.com/american_internet_3/pjfinal.htmlgeocities.com/american_internet_3/pjfinal.htmlelayedxDО╒J                    ╚рдвЕOKtext/htmlPcь■╤Е    bЙ.HTue, 04 Nov 2003 07:04:40 GMT0Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *DО╒JЕ American Internet Idol 3


| Name | : PJ

| Age | : 18

| Location | : Sydney, Australia

| Click Here |

Click Above To Listen
To PJ's Last Song

| PJ's Final Words |

well its been a great competition, i am happy to have been part of it but feel that the judges were bias due to the fact that females are kept till the end personally....the final 2 should have been myself and Lady with Chris going and Kimberlilyn followingly.. I am honored to be in the same comp as Lady and I know she will win.. so good luck